Good Morning!!! Happy Wednesday to all who stop by. As you can see, I was not able to post more last night, and then my Dear Grandmother called and said she needs to go shopping today--so I am off to the market with my Grandmother--she needs Milk and other things. My shopping day for my groceries will be tomorrow, so I will be making my list and checking sales tonight. You all have a great day, and I will be back soon xoxox
Stay warm--it is chilly today:)
Julieann -
You're so sweet! Thanks for the well wishes on my blog. I think I'm finally beating this bronchitis and will be back to normal soon.
Your post made me smile today. Hubby's G'ma lives in an assisted living home very near us and I usually take her out a couple of times a week. Aren't we lucky to have them with us still?
Have a nice day!
such a nice and caring Gal you are! have a good night!
Chrissy--I am glad you are feeling better!!! And, yes, I agree--my Grandmother is such a tresure to have:)
Hi PalmTree--Thank you:)
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