Friday, February 01, 2008

Show and Tell Friday

This is Kelli's Show and Tell Friday! I look forward to this everyweek--I may not play every week, but I do enjoy looking at everyone's Show and Tell's :o) So, please go over to Kelli's and leave your own link for something you would like to share and visit everyone there too.

Today, I am sharing a little Knic-Knac that I recieved when Alexis was born--the lid comes off and if you flip it over it looks like---->
This---> it says *Make Your Own Luck* . My daughter likes it this way, so we leave it this way.
I just think this is the cutest little container :) We keep it on the counter in Alexis's bathroom--

Thank you for looking:)


Hootin Anni said...

cute!!!! I can see why your daughter likes it her way. And it's very fitting to have it in HER bathroom....

excellent show n tell

Anonymous said...

That is really cute!

Cheryl said...

What a fun container. It is kinda like a gift within a gift.

Cheryl said...

What a fun container. It is kinda like a gift within a gift.

nancy said...

Thanks for sharing. I've never seen anything quite like it. thanks for stopping by my blog and leavign your sweet words. And you have a beautiful family.

maryt/theteach said...

Pretty container! Lovely family! Happy S&T Friday!

Dawn said...

That is cute!

TJ said...

How fun! Thanks for sharing.

Anna said...

That is so nice and fun...Thanks for sharing.... And by the way I love your music..It reminds of me the little house...I miss watching it...

nannykim said...

That is sweet--love the rainbow and the star toooooo!

ellen b. said...

Very fun ...

The Proverbs Wife said...

I love it. My daughter has a similar container with a two sided top.

I love the side with the bow most...on yours and mine.

Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.

Susan said...

That is a really cute container.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty and cute. I'd love this.

j said...

Very sweet. I love those colors together. Jennifer

Constance said...

How darlin'! Thanks for stopping by and paying me a visit. This is WAY too much fun!

Nora Lee said...

That is so cute! I have never seen anything like it before; it reminds me of something you look at and it makes you smile :) Thanks for sharing.


Anonymous said...

That is just the cutest!
Kathy b

Rebecca said...

What a sweet little container. How special for your daughter. Thanks for sharing it.

Ingrid said...

That's very cute !


Thanks for sharing! I wish we
could have 54 degrees instead
of snow and more snow. It's
been a long winter in the Midwest!

Betty said...

A beautiful container for a beautiful young lady.....

Thanks for visiting me and my 'found' doll house...Betty

Rose of Sharon said...

Really cute Julieann! I like it with the little things popping out too!

I love your song!

Hugs, Sharon

Beki - TheRustedChain said...

That's really sweet!

Suzy said...

Very cute and unique...And thanks for stoppin' by!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

That is a darling container! So unique!


Betty said...

Hi and thank you for visiting my show and tell and leaving a comment.

I like the little container you showed this week. Good choice.

Lisa said...

that is so cute! very unique. Thanks for sharing. Blessings :o)

Sondra said...

I am late on reading all the show and tells :( Your little container is so cute and different. Did you start on that pantry yet? Mine looks the same!