Today was the Jog-A-Thon. The yellow shirts are the shirts I put the iron ons on--all 20. The children actually ran inside the Multi-Purpose room instead of outside because the rain has soaked the field so much. This is a picture of Alexis and me before the running started.

Only 2 classes ran at a time for safety:) Alexis ran 29 laps for her school--yay Alexis!
Thank you so much for looking!
Thank you so much for looking!
I'm guessing she is just on the other side of the 'cone'?
Adorable pics!!!
Yea Alexis! And what a sweet hubby to surprise you all!
LOL cabdriver not here.. don't know if we even have one.
Thiis post makes me think of the Jumpothon Rian did in Kgarden fpr St. Judes. He was so happy with his trophey and still has it today. 20 years later. Wow time goes so fast.
Love the pictures. The shirts came out great! I think that is so sweet that "daddy" showed up. WTG ALEXIS!!
She is ADORABLE! :-) Mommy is pretty too. :-)
Congratulations, Alexis! You both are too cute, Julieann!
Yea Alexis! She did 28 more laps than I could do! Have a good weekend - Jennifer
How great that both of you could come to her class.
Great job Alexis.
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