Thursday, September 29, 2011


Just an FYI: If any of you got an email from my KevinNJulieann email acount today, it was NOT from me. My AOL got hacked:(


DeNiece Barnes said...

Hello dear friend....I totally understand what you are going through with your email because my Hotmail account was hacked last week and I had so many people emailing asking if I had sent them an email and they wanted to know if they could open the link that was in the email. I told them no just delete it because it had to be a virus , So I contacted Hotmail and had my password changed and everything has been fine so far praise God....How is the Fall weather in your neck of the woods mine has still been warm and cool off an on this weekend it will be in the low 60s now that says Fall to me.....Have a wonderful rest of the week...

The Lady of the House said...

I'm so glad you posted this. I received one from you but didn't open it because you had no subject.

Hope it works out soon for you.