Monday, April 20, 2009

WoW! Monday:)

Mostly Sunny
High 94
Low 54


Jenny said...

Wow is right!

Amanda said...

Hi Julieann! I visited your blog for the first time this past weekend and loved it. My 4 year old daughter was sitting beside me when the Little House music came on and got very excited. We have the entire set of DVD's all 9 seasons and are huge fans. My daughter even started calling her daddy Pa because of it and it stuck. Once again, I really enjoyed your blog, your Easter dinner was very impressive :).

Anonymous said...

My oh my that is HOT, where do you live? i heard the west is getting really hot weather so I am guessing out west?? Sue

Mari said...

Wow is right! It's 37 degrees here and it's supposed to snow tonight. Enjoy the warmth!

Tatersmama said...

I'm almost envious! We're heading into winter here and I just didn't get enough of lovely summertime temps. We got HOT ( 117+F) but we never seemed to have many days in the usual 80-90F range... and I missed that!

Enjoy your day and keep cool!

Ronda said...

Oh I wish I were there where it is warm. We have had yet another cold snap come through...again UGH!
I want warmth.
Enjoy it my dear.

Love & prayers,

Ronda said...

Oh I wish I were there where it is warm. We have had yet another cold snap come through...again UGH!
I want warmth.
Enjoy it my dear.

Love & prayers,