Thursday, September 10, 2009

First Day of School

Tuesday was the first day of school for Alexis. I forgot to take a picture in the morning, so I took one when we got home. She was stylin....LOL. She loved that shirt because it came with that little scarf to go around her neck:)


Mari said...

She looks so cute! Hope she has a great year!

Mrs. U said...

She is SO adorable!!! Isn't it amazing, though, how much older she looks this year???? WHY do our children grow up so fast, Julieann????

I hope she has a wonderful school year!!!!

Mrs. U

shelly said...

just beautiful Jules! She has always been like your clone but, I have to say I see some Daddy in her in these pictures!! All these "babies" getting so mature....breaks my heart and is so wonderful at the same time.