Monday, February 24, 2020

*Menu Plan*

 This is my menu plan for this week, February 23 -29
 On Sunday we were in and out so much, we didn't grill steaks we ordered a pizza which was nice.

A few of the recipes for my menu plan
I got out of my Betty Crocker,
(awesome book)

This is a list of the major ingredients that I will need for the week.  I wrote them all out to make a clear plan for myself :)
Also, I printed out a NO NUT pesto sauce for the one pasta dish I will be making....

Click on the pictures to make them big and be able to read better.
If you have any questions please leave them in the comments and I will answer for you!

We celebrated my husband's birthday on Saturday and also last Tuesday.  That R2D2 cake I posted a picture of in a post below, was made by me...I did it twice, I wanted to get it it was made with lots of love :)

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