Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dinner Tonight :)

Baked Chicken with Roasted Asparagus :)
We also had salad.


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

I am so happy to have found after all these years. I see you have another little child. When I blogged many years ago I was a regular reader of yours. I always enjoyed my visit. Back then there was Kelly at There is No Place Like Home..I think that is where I found your blog that or that blog by Crystal (now money saving mom).

Thrilled to find you. Hope all is well.

Julieann said...

Oh, Chrissy, it is soooooo nice to "see" you :) Welcome back! I do miss our old blogging days :)

(((hugs))) Are you blogging again?


Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Yes..I just started back a couple of days ago. Here is my link because I cant figure out any of this new blog