On Saturday I posted a recipe for Turkey Tetrazzini,(post below this one) I had never made it before, and I have to say it was a wonderful dish. Here is a picture of it. It was a wonderful recipe for use of leftover Turkey. I put the recipe in my notebook and labeled it a keeper for when I need to use up leftover turkey or even chicken.
I didn't add carrots to it like the recipe called for though, and I used a different kind of pasta.
We had a wonderful weekend, in fact we had a great week. Kids were all home, and Kevin had a four day weekend. We also got our tree, it is all put up and decorated. It is so pretty. We were going to wait a little while before getting it, but my husband and kids really wanted it sooner then later. My house looks so Chritsmasey now:) Happy, Happy, Happy!!!
As I wrote on my Facebook, let's not say Happy Holidays, let's tell everyone MERRY CHRISTMAS, especially the retail stores that aren't allowed to mention CHRISTMAS. I just can't believe it. Every other holiday that comes by this time year is celebrated and mentioned. I am so tired of the Politically Correctness. It is Christmas, it is about Jesus Christ, our Lord. It isn't about spending money~~It is a birthday, a very special birthday. Jesus needs to be celebrated, not ignored. In fact Jesus should be celebrated every day, and not just Christmas!!!
Okay, I have my menu plan for this week all done, and laundry is not so bad since I have been keeping on top of it. My Tree did topple over last night, so I have some needles to vacuum up, but the tree is all fixed back up:)
It is really cold today, so the Ugg boots are on. It is a new week, and a new day and I am excited to start a new week and all that it has to offer being a wife and mother:)
Happy Monday. On the menu tonight, Not Turkey...LOL;)
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