Rain---It is raining as I type. The weather kept saying it was going to rain---and it finally came. I woke up this morning at 5 and I have not stopped all day--I had a day of errands and cooking. Do you ever work so hard that crawling into bed just feels sooooo good! I am at that point this very moment--I am going to welcome sleep very much tonight. Before I go to bed though, I did want to do some computer work first. I also got a few goodies at Target today that I want to share, but I will do that tomorrow, when I can take pictures too. I also want to share some new dresses of mine---they are so pretty and feminine---and I think that is so important for us, women to be--feminine. It is supposed to rain through the rest of the week, so if that is the case I have lots of little projects around the home to get done, while staying in the warmth of our home.---of course all work and play adjusts around the baby--he is on the move--he can crawl from 0 to 60 in no time...LOL. He is a lot of fun--he is also favoring his left hand----so I am wondering if he is going to be a lefty too. Alexis is left handed, and she is the only other left handed person I know--so that would be interesting if Little Kevin was left handed too. Well, I think that is all for now---I can hear the pitter patter of raindrops--I just love hearing the rain--well, if I am going to get up at 5 tomorrow, I should finish this ramble up.....
P.S. If you all are wondering about the deleted comments--it was just a spam comment about cash loans, nothing important.
P.S. If you all are wondering about the deleted comments--it was just a spam comment about cash loans, nothing important.
Sounds like you have a good week planned and I hope you will stay all cozy inside and dry! I want to see your dresses! I used to wear dresses a lot to work 20 years ago, but now I am always cold and I dress for comfort. I still try to always look really feminine and sharp, but just warm!
Please stop by my blog today, I have an important post about listening to our children that you might find beneficial.
Have a great day! :0) Sharon
Ah man! You deleted my comment? (JUST KIDDING! LOL) Actually being in the evil payday loan field I can tell ya all the reasons NOT to start getting them. LOL I am so horrible, whenever young people come in I tell them look this is how I get paid but I am going to warn you it is a visicious cycle you do not want to get caught up in (yeah it makes me feel better to know that I at least "warned" them) They still do but then i know I tried.
Oh I also love the rain, when I am inside. Hate it when I am running errands!
We don't get much rain now, just lots of snow. Which is very cozy with a fire!
Your 5 a.m. wake ups and busy days are motivating me to get up and get something done. After a weekend away, and a couple days with a very sick kid, things are a little out of control and overwhelming right now!!
Enjoy the rain and take time to do things you have been wanting to do at home.
You're getting rain and we're getting snow and it is very cold here.
Can't wait to see the pics of your new dresses...if you take pics.
You're getting rain and we're getting snow and it is very cold here.
Can't wait to see the pics of your new dresses...if you take pics.
Rain is nice when you can stay in and get things done and be all cozy.
It was snow flurrying mid-day when we went to the library. I use to wear dresses all the time. Now not so much. But its 30 degrees or less, so thats my excuse. I do love dresses, I always feel more motivated and definately higher self esteem.
Now I want spring for sundresses and sandles or white sneakers!
Can't wait to see your pics :)
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