Monday, August 12, 2013


Good morning! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I knew it was going to happen, I just didn't think it would happen so quick...Little Kevin started getting sick Friday evening and it lasted a good part of the weekend, I watched him this morning and he seemed to be better, so we had a late school start. He at least will be marked present for the day. I would have let him stay home, but I am ...concerned when the flu season hits that he may need those days for truly really bad sickness. This was a cold and I gave him a breathing treatment to keep his lungs I think he can do 4 hours today, considering he was bouncing all over the house this morning....His cold seemed to have subsided yesterday afternoon, trust me if he was sneezing and coughing I would not have sent him back, I wouldn't do that to the other children. I just cringe when I see kids coughing on mine

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