After Thanksgiving, this house got out of control. I have laundry to do, bathrooms to clean. I have been working all morning. I have a trash bag and I am running around the house picking up this and that and throwing it all away. Kind of like Fly Lady's 27 things. Oh, I also hung up a bunch of clothes that were on my bedroom chair. Why, oh do I let things get out of hand...LOL.
I have to go to the market today and get the food for the week, I will do that before I pick Alexis up from school.
It is quite chilly today. I need to put a sweater on. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we sure did. I used every bit of that Turkey up. The last thing I made with it was turkey and dumplings, using the carcass for the stock, it turned out good. Today, I am not sure what I will make for dinner, it will depend on what I find at the store:) Happy Tuesday!