Beef Roast I made Wednesday with the zucchini and feta side dish
My crows that have been hanging around my home for years...they started out as two and now they are four. My sweet little crow family. I give them scraps and they appreciat them as they protect my home,
My nails that I got done this week, the color is 139 dip at the salonMy Peloton, oh, how I appreciate her and all she can do for me...she is an all in one cardio machine that has even taught me yoga. I love her. I am on year 5 with her. Yes, my Peloton is a girl.
Skin care, yes, skincare. I take seriously, I didn't always but I do now. I love clean makeup.
These are not my crows, these are buzzards sitting out in my tree in the rain in my yard. They must see something. I love this picture, it is beautiful. I have an affinity for birds. My sunglasses...I added this picture, because I just adore how they are stored in this box that sits on my dresser. Sunglasses are always at, if the sun would come
I hope you all have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend. I have my laundry going and I already did my workout for the day. I think I am going to end this post and make myself a cup of coffee....xo