Wednesday, August 25, 2021
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
I can not believe my last post was in May!! My beloved blog. I may be absent at times but I will never not stop coming here. I remember the days when I thought about my blog obsessively and would wake up first thing and check it and then I would lay in bed at night and think of all the things I wanted to write about and share....I am so glad I have this blog and all my memories. I will continue to write here because I cherish my little blog on the net.
This world right now is quite a bit different then when I first started writing in it...I think you all can agree....
I pray for our beautiful country and the return of peoples' sanity. To be completely honest, C*v!d, masks, and vacc*nes do not scare me, but peoples' opinions and reactions to these things do. I understand people having mad, serious opinions on these things, but it has brought out some things in people I wish I never had to see.
Changing topic so to speak...How are you all doing? I hope all who stop here are doing well and have amazing things going on.
I have potatoes baking in the oven and I will soon make a salad and fry up some pork.
My family are all well and I love them dearly. I still wear an apron and love Martha Stewart......tee hee. My menu plan will be going up soon.....with possibly a video to coincide with it.
On July 24th of this year, I tuned 51!!! 51!!!!!!!!