Wednesday, January 17, 2018

New Car!!

Yes, he

My husband had bought me a brand new Ford Edge over 5 years ago.  I kept that car in pristine condition  The dealer said he had never seen a car so well kept.  The teacher in the carline said she had never seen such a clean car in the carline...why, because I clean it and take pride in what I have.  I don't trash my things especially things my husband has worked very hard to give me  Anyway, those compliments really made me feel good.  The little things.

Anyway, it was time.  We traded my Edge for a 2018 Ford Explorer with all the bells and whistles.. I LOVE MY it makes me happy  

If you have been reading here for any amount of time, you will know, I don't practically love driving...but, in this car...I love driving... ;)

I wanted to put this in my blog so I could keep it for my memory.

I love you, Kevin!

Thank you for my car.  I feel like a princess

Oh, also, my sweet beautiful girl turned 16 last June and she got her Driver's license....I was so proud :)
She is also is in Dual enrollment at school...high school and college.
So for her birthday in June, we got her a brand new Ford Focus :)
I love Ford.

My little one came in third in the school spelling bee against 2 fifth graders.  He is in 4th grade...LOL  Smart little cookie he is :)

.....and my Tony, he will be married soon.  He has found "the" girl <3 br="">
No school today or tomorrow due to inclement weather and impassable roads.

It has been snowing a lot here.

Have a great evening and stay safe and warm


Jenny said...

Julieann, I can't believe your little girl is 16! It seems like all your children should be little still, and here Kevin is in 4th grade! My toddler has an allergy to egg and peanuts, and I'm so anxious whenever I think of school days. Has it gotten easier for you to deal with the anxiety?

I wish I could keep my car as clean as I used to. I can't seem to do much of anything except laundry and cooking these days. Good for you for taking such good care of things!


Julieann said...

Hi Jenny!!!

YES, I promise it does get easier. Promise!!! If you are on FB, join the no nuts support groups and their are egg support groups too..They helped me in so many ways. If you feel comfortable you can friend me on FB, I would love to be friends. We can message there too...
Create a plan for you and your child to stick with. When you enter the school, educate his teachers and staff with love about his allergy..become best friends with the school nurse....tell him he can not drink out of the water fountain but must drink from the water bottle mommy provides. I will help you more, you've got this. I will help you :)

Friend me if you would like....Julieann Gossett