Good Morning!! It is a wet morning here in Georgia. As much as I love the rain, I hope it does not rain on Sunday, that is the day we get the moving truck--so we shall see. Just think this time next week, I will be in my new home in California, I still can not believe it--it is so surreal to me. I never thought, that I would be going back. It is amazing how things can change in a blink of an eye. I know my Grandma will be happy I am there, I will be able to take her shopping to all the store she wants to go too. We always had a nice time doing that, and she loved to go to Costco and try all the samples..LOL. I am also wondering what things we will see as we drive across country. It was always very interesting to drive through the states. I loved staying overnight in the little towns, and eating at the Mom and Pop diners. I am going to make sure I have my camera with me, so I can take pictures of my adventure.
I have completely packed up my daughter's room, and I have also packed up my room. I really need to start on my son's room---his should not be too hard, he is 14 so he doesn't have many toys anymore.
Also, I already started my kitchen, the things that I can do with out for awhile. You do not realize how much stuff you really have until you have to pack it..LOL.
This morning, I turned on the Walton's--I love watching the earlier episodes of the Walton's when Olivia is still there and John Boy is the real John Boy..LOL. The epsisode was about Thanksgiving, and they were gathering walnuts and pumpkins, oh I can't wait to start getting ready for fall, what a lovely season.
When I Get back to Cali, I am going to start my Garden. I tried here in Georgia, but the bugs just love me, especially the bees and wasps they have chased me frantically back into my home many times. It is always a game for me to get the mail--my neighbors must think I am crazy, how I run to and from the mailbox..LOL. Plus the soil here in Georgia is funny--I am not used to it.
I am going to pack my herbs and spices today---I used my dehydrater to dry my herbs and they came out very nice, so I know they will last awhile.
You all have a blessed Thursday xoxo
It is so cool that you get to drive cross country. Make sure you take lots of pictures for us ok.
We love the Waltons here too. Another favorite is Little house on the prarie. They jsut don't make shows like them anymore.
You are doing so well on your packing. I am proud of you, You have really been busy!!
I am a traveler at heart, too! I cannot wait to see pics and hear of your adventures and the emotions of being back home!
I love Little House on the Prairie....I used to watch it to see what a good wife was like...LOL
What a hassle in moving and packing. We just moved into our first home in April, but it was so very well worth it.
I pray safe travels for you!
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