Good Morning!

The Hallmark Channel has brought back the Waltons:) YaY!
It rained really hard last night, and it is supposed to continue raining through today, it is COLD!!! BRRRRRRRRR:)
Since we can't play outside, it is the perfect day to get a lot of things done around the house, Cooking, Cleaning and Baking! I just love these kind of cozy days!
We had a very nice weekend.
Remember when I posted about my daughter having lice. Well, it is going around again. We are lice free, but my girlfriends household has it. I went over to her house on Saturday to help her get rid of those little buggers. She was a bit overwhelmed to say the least. I bought some shampoo with tea tree oil in it for my daughter to use. It is supposed to be a deterrent, so hopefully if there is any lice at the school, they will stay away from my daughter. I am continuously checking through everyone's head. I do not want to have to go through that again, it was a lot of work getting rid of those buggers! If any of you have ever had to deal with Lice, you know what I am talking about.
I am caught up on laundry.
I want to dust and vacuum today.
The baby gates that I had put up, had left marks on my wall, so I spackled the marks, and then over the weekend, my husband painted over the spackle. The walls look so nice now.
It is so dark here right now, it seems like night time.
Have a wonderful Monday
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