My vision has always been poor--when I was in my twenty's my eyes seemed to be in the best shape--I could go days without ever needing my glasses--now, I wear my glasses more times then not---SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO---on Saturday, I went to my eye doctor and got my eyes checked again---I take Tony every year, but I am not so diligent with myself--but I knew I needed to go, when I went looking for my glasses and I was already wearing them. My vision changed just a bit, and I picked out such pretty frames, they should be ready today or tomorrow and I will show you. I used to wear contacts in high school--so I am going back next month and I am going to get fitted for contacts too--so I am excited:) I have vision insurance, so it only cost 50.00 as apposed to 546.00---OUCH!!! The contacts and fitting will cost 50.00 so that is okay.
Go to they are giving away a free 5 pound bag of dog food or a free 4 pound bag of cat food---it is a coupon that you print out and take it to the pet store---hurry it expires at the end of this month.
Lowes has hummingbird feeders on sale for $1.86---this is what it looks like---> 
I don't know why I took this picture at a such an odd angle--oops.
Last night we had baked chicken, fried rice, corn and a salad. Tonight, I have a beef roast in the oven and I will make mashed potatoes to go along with it with some gravy--and salad. I am going to boil the chicken carcass and make stock and pull off all the leftover meat for a later use.
I am playing catch up on laundry again.
I am going to record the Duggar wedding tonight, it comes on at 10.00--I think I missed it when they first showed it--but I am excited to see their first kiss--how sweet is that??!!.
...and Jon and Kate plus 8--WoW--that house is Glorious---HUGE----Beautiful. I do have to tell you about Jon and Kate---my blog gets more hits for the Monkey Crunch recipe then any other topic, especially if the Monkey Crunch episode is on TV--my blog is just filled with people looking for that recipe---I can't make it any more, because of the peanut butter and my sons peanut allergy--but I am glad that recipe is so popular, it really is yummy!