Wednesday, May 31, 2023
Tuesday, May 30, 2023
Tuesday Twos!
I am grateful to be able to stretch in the morning.
Say something that you are grateful for every morning and it will start your day off with a positive outlook and a grateful heart.
Until tomorrow...
Monday, May 29, 2023
Weekly Menu Plan * May 28 ~ June 3
Weekly Menu Plan!
Macaroni and Cheese
Sautéed Asparagus
Grilled Sourdough Cheese Bread
Nachos with leftover steak
With all the fun sides
Grilled Chicken
And Spring Vegetables Asparagus and Zukes
Roasted Potatoes
Garden Salad
Easy Shepards Pie
Garden Salad
Tasty Biscuits
Seared Pork Chops
Fried Rice
Cucumber and Tomato Salad
Family Fun Night
Saturday Easy or Takeout
Salted Caramel Brownies
Pasta Dishes
Click for the Menu Plan Video Vlog :)
– Eleanor Roosevelt
Saturday, May 27, 2023
Saturday! Springtime 🤍
Finish the day up with Pizza!
Friday, May 26, 2023
Bread and Flowers!
is just around the corner!
Thursday, May 25, 2023
Prayer Conundrum and Summer Bucket List
Do you ever sit down down to eat and there is that awkward silence of who is going to say the prayer? When we have a full house now, I will search the internet and put together a sweet and endearing prayer that goes with the the theme of the gathering and place it on the table. That way who ever is going to say the prayer has backup just in case they need some help. It comes easy to me to say the blessing, but I want everyone to be able to say it too. I am also a bit old fashioned and think who sits at the head of the table should say it. I do understand, my husband gets uncomfortable, so we pass the saying of the prayer to everyone in due time.
Here is a little prayer, I printed out and put on my wall in my dinning room. I have another one that I will share too, in another post
Be blessed and until I my next post,
Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Wednesday Confabulation

There is that old saying, is it better to be right or kind? As I get older, I am learning that it is better to be kind. Being right can make your mind fester. I have realized is if I just let go and let God and let things really go, I feel so much better in the long term, I don't lose sleep when I am kind, but I do if I argue or try and be right. Just my little Wednesday tid bit for the day.
I also made my lavaine,. sourdough bread will be made by Friday, tee hee!! I am excited, I love baking bread.
Be blessed and I will talk with you soon.
Tuesday, May 23, 2023
Weekly To Do's
Happy Tuesday, it is a new day and a tad bit of a drizzly day. I am getting my eyes checked today and getting my contact lenses. I am grateful.
So, my weekly schedule is somewhat similar to my above list as I try and do something everything everyday. I am not churning butter, but I am creating something.
I completely enjoy menu planning and creating to do lists!!

So I usually like to run errands on Tuesday, because I like to take inventory on everything I need on Monday and wipe down the refrigerator.
Laundry is almost everyday.
Monday, May 22, 2023
Weekly Menu Plan! *NEW*
Click the video for more details on my menu plan!
Have a beautiful day!
Monday, May 08, 2023
Weekly Menu Plan #NEW
Weekly Menu Plan
May 7 ~ 13
Sautéed Pork Chops with Onions and Mushrooms
French Fries
Steamed Broccoli and Carrots with Garlic
Garden Salad
Roasted Chicken
Homemade Mashed Potatoes
White jalapeno gravy
Steamed green beans
Garden salad
Fiesta Flats
Filled with all the taco things
Simple Mozzarella Bake
Cheesy bread
Garden Salad
Chicken Thighs
Twice Baked Potatoes
Steamed Mixed veggies
Cucumbers and Tomatoes
Family Fun Night
Easy saturday dinner
Either leftovers or takeout
Homemade Hummus
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Doggie Treats
Click me
Wednesday, May 03, 2023
Extra Post About Cali
We woke the next morning and it was still quite drizzly, not as bad and it was cold.
We then finished breakfast and went to Staterbrothers, which was the closest grocery store near my father's home. I also know this was the store he grocery shopped at. So it was neat to go in a store he had probably walked into hundred's of times. I went to pick up his favorite cheesecake. I was successful.
My Dad is not doing well and I just had to see him. I did. He knew I was his daughter and that he loved me.
I spent the earlier part of Saturday with my Dad.
I don't have a love for California, but I do love my father.
Before we arrived at the airport we stopped and had breakfast at Golden Corral
Then on a beautiful Sunday we went back home. The weather was lovely It was surreal. I am not going to go into detail about my father at the moment, but He is my Dad and I love him dearly. He had to at times take on the role of Mother and Father since my mother was not present..
I will cherish this visit with all my heart,