Happy Show and tell--go over to Kelli's and join in the fun. Thank you so much for looking!
This is the pork, that I cut into big bite size pieces--cooking away
This is the pork all fried up with Onions and mushrooms added to it...
This is the Green Salad with all the fixings--Cheese and Avocados are served on the side
Thank you for looking at my dinner and visiting with me today---I always enjoy what others have to say and I enjoy all your blogs--Have a terrific day!
For those of you that have American Online, then you know they are closing down their webpages---so last night, I went through all my webpages (I have a lot) on AOL and I was taking off all the pictures so I don't lose them---I am thinking maybe Kevin can save the webpages on CD or something--I have lots of other web pages out there in cyber land that I don't want to lose--this was before I switched over to blogger. Here are some pictures I pulled off the webpages--->
Alexis and Tony in Christmas 2003
I will post an after picture----keep your eye out for that:)
Here is the after:
It is better--but I am still on the look out for a better method--at least it is neat now:)
Put your Spongebob Slippers on and have a fun day:)
Oh, just in case you don't want to play this--or not enough time--it is *The Richest Man In Walnut Grove*