I made a poll and put it in my sidebar---and I see the majority of you like to read about my day to day cleaning adventures---well that is good, because I like to write about it...
LOL. My favorite part of my blog are the picture posts, just because I like to go back and look at my kids, meals, house, etc. So if you have not yet, you can vote on my poll that is in my sidebar:)
Here are the tomatoes from my garden--and I have to say they are the last of them---those two little plants gave me a ton of tomatoes--and the really sad part of it is--my husband didn't like them..
LOL---he said they were too sweet. So I pruned the plant already. Next summer, I will plant some that aren't sweet, any suggestions???

I went to
Wal-Mart this weekend and we got some googly eyes--so Alexis and I are going to have a craft day with these--they were .97 cents. we are going to make some funny people or

This is my doggy--he turned 3 years old last week--Happy Birthday Axel!!!! 4 pounds of trouble...
I am done with
Alexis's closet--this is one side---dresses, skirts,
skorts, jeans etc.... There are some things that I am not hanging up--I have a few track pants and such--that will be folded and put on her shelf.

This is the other side--whew-----it is as organized as I can keep it--I like to do like colors, sleeve length---but it is hard to keep up with Alexis pulling things down--so I am happy with this. (You can click the pictures to enlarge)

Her shoes. Why so many tennis shoes? Her school won't allow opened toe shoes, for safety--so, she can't wear her sandals--So I bought a bunch of different kind of tennis shoes, so she doesn't have to wear the same pair everyday. She can wear her sandals at home :)

...and here is my princess!! I can't remember if I mentioned, she had her physical and she measured 45 inches tall and 42 pounds--the
ped, said she is tall and skinny.

This is a wall in her room---we do a lot of crafts--her room is decorated on all four walls. I am looking for another latch hook to do---I latch hooked that bear on her wall. I am not sure what I want to latch hook, but I am itching to do one...

I had to wake up and get ready extra early today---I had to get Tony to registration by 8:00---we got that all done, and his schedule is changed--he starts at 7:40---
woohoo. I also did my grocery shopping---Kevin wanted London Broil on the grill--so that is what we will have--along with fresh corn (Jodi it was 5 for 2.00 today) Baked potatoes--salad--and all kinds of pasta was on sale, I was thinking of making some kind of pasta salad or mac n cheese--not sure yet. It is HOT--I broke down and turned the air on---oh it is so nice--but I am going to turn it off soon---the money it takes to keep it on, makes me ill.....things are so expensive here in California---
Since today is Monday, I am going to make a cleaning list of all the things I want to get done---if I don't finish they will be added to next weeks list. Well, that is all for now---I will be by your blogs