This is the picture I said I would post~~~~Mounds and mounds of laundry, and when I took this picture, I still had another load in the wash and one in the dryer. I did it though, I finished every stitch of laundry:)
....I did all this while chasing a very active and cute little 2 year old...LOL. Do you notice this picture is blurry, he was on the move:)

Yesterday, I took my chicken carcass and made a stock for a later time. My home smelled so good. I also made these cute little sugar cookies. It was a package I got at the store, the cookies were shaped like little pumpkins. I would have taken a picture, but I went outside with them and there were about 10 neighbor kids that ate them up...LOL.
Tony is on an adventure with a friend. He is going to a concert and taking the train up, this should be very exciting for him. His friend's sister is then going to drive them home after the show. Alexis is going to a birthday party today. Kevin is working, so that just leaves me and little Kevin, we will play and I will putter and clean, and then play, and so on.
October sure went fast. I am having a get together on the night of Halloween. A few couples will be coming over. It isn't a costume party, just a dinner party with good food:) Hope everyone has a wonderful Saturday!