I got the Tahini Sauce today--I finally found it...LOL
Monday, March 31, 2008
I got the Tahini Sauce today--I finally found it...LOL
Saturday, March 29, 2008
...and sometimes when it is cold outside, I would love so much to stay in my pajamas and sip hot coffee all day--but then of course that is the day someone unexpected comes to my door...
I have to shower everyday and shave----I never want my husband to think that just because we are married I have gotten comfortable and not care about myself. When I feel good, I do good and when I do good the house runs more smoothly and everyone is a lot happier. I once read somewhere that you should treat your home as if Jesus was coming over---well I am not sure my home will ever be that perfect, but it is clean and neat and it is a nice haven for my husband to come home too every day....and my children too of course.
I was listening to the radio and the person on the radio said, do what you love and you will never have to work a day in your life--that is actually how I am feeling right now--I absolutely love what I am doing. My husband used to say "If Mama isn't happy, no one is happy" Well, I take that to heart and really try to be the best I can--and I am happy, I just try not to let things bring me down--I have noticed that when I am in a funk--I think of all the wonderful blessings in my life--but there are days when I am sad, when I think of my mother or my dear friend that are no longer here with us--and then I have to remember I will see them again.
I love getting out my Household Notebook and making lists and planning menus and printing off pretty poems and gentle reminders about how to be the best wife and mother I can be.
My sweet husband has taken Alexis to the Birthday party and great big *Bounce House*--I turned my ankle the other day so I would not be too much fun---it has not stopped me from doing anything, but I am so gratful for bed time when I can put my foot up.
Tony came to me today and apologized for his actions this week--but he is still on restriction--he is mad, but I can't just waiver this for a simple sorry--I need to see actions with his words. I did tell him I appreciated the applogy.
Little Kevin is napping so I am going to go to the the Prairie Homemaker now and see what everyone is up to there--I love that website:)<>
Friday, March 28, 2008
On My Agenda:
I went to Walmart this morning and bought orange oil for my hard wood floors downstairs--they seem to have lost their shine--so I am hoping this oil and a little elbow grease will make it shine again. I know I have posted about making my own febreeze, but when I was at Walmart I saw a odor eliminating spray by Arm and Hammer and it smells just like the febreeze and it was under 2.00---yippee...LOL--so I stripped my bed and sprayed the mattress---and as I work I am spraying the house down--it is supposed to get in the 70's today so the windows are all going to be opened.
Alexis has two birthday parties to go tomorrow----so we shall see how that goes--Tony my oldest did not make some wise decisions this past week so he is on restriction this weekend---one thing Tony does not understand, is it totally hurts me to have to do that--but he has to learn there are consequences to his actions.
Little Kevin is walking--WALKING!!!!! Yes, WALKING---He took 5 steps with out any help--and he balanced himself ---ohhh, I just can not believe it :o)
Well that is all for now!!!
Thursday, March 27, 2008
*Me* Time!
It is about that so called *me* time a lot of mother's are after--this is what I think about *me* Time--->
Forget about *ME* time give me *MORE* time with my children---life is just too precious---and our littles grow so quickly!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
A week or so ago, I had mentioned my computer had been acting up :::sigh:::: well, it was being very temperamental and it would work only sometimes this past week--I shut it down and it kept finding corrupt files--Kevin can build a computer from nothing, he is that good---but I was a little nervous about ANYONE touching my computer because I had some pictures that I have not saved yet--anyway--it finally came to the point where my computer would not let me do anything--so Kevin, put a second hard drive in it--so I have all my pictures still plus another hard drive--it is like I have a brand new computer. I wasn't able to visit everyone the night before Easter, between a sick baby and sick computer--my computer time was limited--so I hope you all know I wished you all a wonderful day. Our Easter was very lovely. My girlfriend came over to spend it with us.
Little Kevin turns 11 months tomorrow--I can not believe my baby is almost a year old--One Year Old!!??!!
I also have a question for y'all homeschooling mom's---My daughter and I are working on her cursive writing--do any of you know of a website with good printables?
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008
Some Recipes:

Ranch Dressing:
1 1/2 C Mayonnaise
1/2 C Buttermilk
1 T Red Wine Vinegar
1 T Sugar
1 tsp Garlic powder
1 tsp Onion powder
1 T Dried Parsley
1/2 tsp Dill
1/2 tsp Salt (optional)
1/2 tsp Black pepper
Dash of Paprika
Whisk ingredients together, and refrigerate one hour before serving:)
Cheesy Potatoes--AKA Potatoes Chantilly
I got this recipe in an Easter edition of Woman's Day magazine--in 1995...LOL--it was in an article about Amy Grant and what she serves on Easter--and these potatoes were one of her side dishes--this recipe is actually on the Internet too--it is a wonderful potato side dish, very rich--and you can use different cheeses too--we love Cheddar so that is what I use.
6 Large potatoes
2/3 Cup Milk
5 Tablespoons of butter or Margarine
1 tsp Salt
1 c. heavy cream
3/4 c. shredded Cheddar cheese
Boil potatoes until tender. Mash with butter and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Whip the cup of cream until stiff. Spread mashed potatoes in a greased 3 quart baking dish. Spread whipped cream over the mashed potatoes; sprinkle with grated Cheddar cheese. Bake until cheese melts and top is golden brown at 350 degrees --the magazine says 45 minutes, I just watch it.
Relish Tray:
Black olives
Green Olives
Pickled okra
Marinated Artichokes
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Update* on the Monkey Crunch

Monkey Crunch
I am adding the ingredients to my shopping list and I am going to make it--it looks really yummy!!
I already have the peanut butter--I have the organic kind from Costco---after you get used to it, it is really good peanut butter. I have a bag of the chocolate chips too---I just need to get the cereal, really.
Monkey Crunch
9 cups Chex® cereal (any variety)
1 cup semisweet chocolate chips
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup butter or margarine
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar
Preparation Directions:
1. Into large bowl, measure cereal; set aside.
2. In 1-quart microwavable bowl, stir together chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter. Microwave uncovered on High 1 minute; stir. Microwave about 30 seconds longer or until mixture can be stirred smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into 2-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag.
3. Add powdered sugar. Seal bag; shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.
Stove-Top Directions: Into large bowl, measure cereal; set aside. In 1-quart saucepan, heat chocolate chips, peanut butter and butter over low heat, stirring frequently, until melted. Remove from heat; stir in vanilla. Pour mixture over cereal, stirring until evenly coated. Pour into 2-gallon resealable food-storage plastic bag. Add powdered sugar. Seal bag; shake until well coated. Spread on waxed paper to cool. Store in airtight container in refrigerator.
Did you notice the new book on my sidebar---what I have read about it looks sooo good, it really looks like my kind of book--so I am going to be getting that book--I will give a review after I have read the whole thing.
Easter is coming up--what a precious day Easter is. In honor of Jesus, I will be preparing a very special meal.
Fresh Asparagus
My special Cheesy potatoes
Potato salad
Deviled eggs
Relish tray
Veggie tray
Stuffed Mushrooms
Homemade Dinner Rolls
This is just a rough draft of my menu--after I go shopping I will have a more finalized menu. I also make Easter baskets for my kids---I saw a pair of pink crocs at payless for Alexis that I want to put in the basket--they are such ugly little shoes, but everyone just loves them--they have kind of grown on me...LOL. I also want to get the Bee movie and Enchanted for them---Tony, will get some things for his age, like a guitar book, new strings, etc--and some candy--we will also color eggs on Saturday and their will be an egg hunt Sunday morning.
What is on your menu for Easter?
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Monday, March 17, 2008
Happy Day!

An Old Irish Blessing
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind always be at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
and rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

I made the sugar cookie cake over the weekend, and I have to say, it is my favorite cake EVER!!! I loved it. The recipe is in the post below, just click on the link.

Corned Beef and Cabbage
*Potato Soup---Change to Mashed potatoes instead
Green Salad
Vanilla pudding with added green food coloring...LOL
My table will be set all green with my place mats and doilies.
I also add green food coloring in the toilets--Alexis thinks a leprechaun has visited...
Saturday, March 15, 2008
Big Clean-Spring Clean!!!

So I am going to be going through each room and cleaning it----> Here is a checklist on organized Home, I really like the free printables.
The chicken that I took out to thaw yesterday is going to go on the grill--and I am going to make the Sugar Cookie Cake Kelli had posted on her blog that she had found on Simple Folks blog--both blogs are just an inspiration to me.
If I can, I will update when I can:)
Emails: I will get to your emails tonight when the kids are in bed
Yes, I will put up more posts of my dresses :o)...coming soon!
Happy Saturday--if you are joining me in this event, leave me a note and let me know--I love knowing I have some friends doing it with me.
Friday, March 14, 2008
When I parked my car, I had to take a deep breath and calm down. My daughter, asked me--"Mommy why did she do that?" I stopped shaking and walked her to her class---When I got home, I called my husband and told him---I rarely bother him at work, but I needed his comforting voice. That was my morning. I was a little shocked at myself for telling the lady not to touch me--she must have thought, I was nutty--I don't care, if she did, I was angry--what if I was pregnant and she hit me harder, what if my daughter had taken off her seat belt? Then when I got back in my car I prayed---I was thankful God was with me.
Okay, now on a better note: Today is Friday, and I have a few questions I need some answers too--so please take a moment and answer my new polls if you have time, and remember they are anonymous----My blog meter shows that I have 200 readers on some days---and sometimes it will tell me what state my readers are from, from the feedjit --that is it---I totally believe in privacy so if you want to remain anonymous I totally understand. I went to one blog once, and she had every kind of meter on her blog, trying to figure exactly who is coming to her blog, it made me giggle and it also stopped me from reading her blog--I thought, wow she sure is going to lot of trouble, will she hunt me down if I stay...LOL--Just kidding. Anyway, I love making the polls because I like to know about other people, but it is anonymous, so you can stay private too:o) It is up to you---even though I would love to meet you.
I washed my car the other day, when it was very warm--hoping to get a little tan while I cleaned my car--my husband usually washes it for me, or takes it to get it washed, so I thought I would do this for him--plus the little dog likes to sit out front with me, and Little Kevin and Alexis loves the sunshine too.
I have been asked about the Homeschooling laws here in Cali---They just passed a law stating that in order to homeschool your children you must have a teaching certificate--which I don't have. I am not currently homeschooling my children--(another Post) But I have in the past, so it really upsets me that I don't have that option anymore---I am sure there are ways around this law with certain loop holes--but I don't like this law:(
Okay, on to dinner---I am going to take some chicken out to thaw--I have a LOT of chicken:)
I am still going to work on my ALPHABET WALL and get my Easter cards out--plus, housework.
One more thing---I am not doing Show and Tell this week---but please visit Kelli and everyone's Show and Tell!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Let's see, today is Thursday, and I have things I need to do that are swirling around in my head--it has been so pretty outside lately--Sundresses and sandals---:)
I am going to put my sauce in the crockpot and let it simmer and make my meatballs and drop them in the sauce. I do need to pick up some flour to make some cookies---Hope you all have a blessed and happy day.
P.S. My cellphone poll you all did was fun--My husband bought me a new cell phone--yes, I have joined the cell phone world...LOL. I actually had a cell phone in Georgia, but when we moved I shut it off and never felt the need for one since I had a nextell--well, my sweet husband got me a new one, it is pretty.
P.P.S The homeschooling law here in Cali is just not right:(
Monday, March 10, 2008
Grocery Store:
I try and buy and cook as healthy as I can---My kitchen is always stocked with fruits and veggies--if it can be homemade--I do my best to make it. I have actually conquered a lot of my cooking fears--like yeast breads--that was a big one, now it is no big deal...LOL. Then when I found out I could make my own salad dressing, especially ranch--I thought that was soo cool. Even better, I made my own mayonnaise------The list is endless of the things we can create in the kitchen.
About those fruits and veggies---I also believe in letting kids be kids--and letting them have that chocolate bar, or that sucker--(I also believe in taking the kids to the dentist on a regular basis too, especially if they eat that sucker--LOL)--etcetra, I truly believe it is when you start making certain foods taboo--they want them even more. Everything in Moderation. Another thing, I will never use food as a reward or a punishment with my kids--that is just not a good thing to do. We eat when we are hungry and stop when we are no longer hungry--I don't eat until I am so full I can't move--I eat until I am satisfied---trust me, that food will be there another time to eat, we don't have to eat it all in one sitting. Anyway, this was just a thought that was going through my head tonight. Jon and Kate is on right now, as I am typing --they just got a piano for one of the girls to learn. Oh, I want a piano--that is certainly on my list for my kids--to get piano lessons.
One more thought before I go--you know those big plastic cars attached to the shopping cart that are so big and clunky and hard to push around, but the kids love to ride in? Well, everytime we go to the store, Alexis begs to ride in one, and I always have an excuse to say no--well, she used to ride in them a lot when she was smaller, but now that she is getting bigger, not so much--today at the store--she passed up the big clunky cart and grabbed the regular for me---I looked over at the big clunky cart and said, Alexis lets use this one today----OH THE SMILE I got from her---she sat in that thing the whole time...LOL. I just kept thinking before I know, she will be to big to ride in that thing--and then it will be too late--but not today:)
I actually finished all my laundry over the weekend, I was so happy.
I will share my grocery list after I make it--and my menu---I have so much chicken in my freezer...LOL.
Have a great MONDAY---> Be back soon.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
*Blog Party*--March 7th-14th

Janice and Susan, twin sisters, work at home moms and founders of *Five Minutes For Mom* are hosting the ultimate blog party--isn't that FUN...LOL:) It is a wonderful way to find new blogs and *meet* wonderful people. I have heard they have prizes also.

:::Waiving hello to all my blogging friends, Old Ones and New Ones:::::

My name is Julieann, I am 37--I live in San Clemente, California--for those of you unfamiliar with it--it is smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles and San Diego--it is a quaint little beach town, that I love!!

Thank you so much for visiting!!! Feel free to take a look around:) Have a wonderful day (((Gentle Hugs)))

Friday, March 07, 2008
Friday Fun!

The weather here is just too pretty--it makes me want to play instead of work. I went for a long walk with Little Kevin on Del Mar yesterday and we looked in all the little shops, I bought a few books and saw some other things I am going to keep my eye on.
Don't forget it is daylight savings this weekend, so Spring Forward on Sunday:)
I was going to title this post my big clean--I am going to do some more work in the garage this weekend, and I have got a handle on my laundry--YAY!!!
Kevin and I had a talk about more babies---but do I have itty bitty baby fever...LOL. If things work out I could have a December baby----also, since I am nursing, my cycle is kind of hard to keep track of.
I forgot to post last nights dinner, but it was baked chicken, noodles with Oil and Garlic and peas with a green salad. Little Kevin just loves peas. He is past the mushy type baby food, he likes things with substance and texture and things he can bite into--he really loves small curd cottage cheese, and CHEESE!!!! Oh boy!!! Who doesn't like cheese?? You could take away all the sweets from me, but don't take away my cheese...LOL.
I am going to have a small party for Little Kevin--he turns a year next month--YAY!! Can you believe it??? If we were in Georgia, I could have had a huge party for Tony, but since we are here in Cali---all my friends have spread out in other parts of the country. So I am going to make little invitations and mail them out. I am not sure what the theme is going to be---he is a baby, so I am sure he is not too worried...LOL. I have noticed there are certain children shows that do catch his eye--like Barney and Blues Clues. I have learned from some mistakes I had made in the past--Like Tony, I was a little more lenient on things, and I am not sure if that is always good----I just feel that our children are young for such a short time, and they have the rest of their lives to hear grownup things--LET THEM BE KIDS!!! I am very cautious about cussing in front of children--I don't do it--and don't like to hear other people do it---don't get me wrong, I have dropped something and said a few chosen words, but I am changing--and trying very hard to use gentle words and not raise my voice--even though it is very hard, I grew up in an Italian household with my grandparents and my grandfather was deaf in one ear so we all had to shout---Kevin sometimes thinks I am yelling, when I am not...LOL. Oh, I pray to be soft spoken:) Boy did I just go off into a different direction...LOL.
I am so excited, St Patrick's day is coming up--and EASTER!!! YAY, EASTER!!! What a wonderful holiday Easter is:)
Well, I am going to vacuum the stairs, wipe down the bathrooms--put all the dishes away from the dishwasher--I ran it this morning. OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS--IT IS A GLORIOUS DAY!!!!--->oops---yes I was yelling...LOL :)
Thursday, March 06, 2008
A Couple Questions:
Also---what are your thoughts on SuperMom vitamins--I want to purchase these and was wondering if any of you have opinions on these--good/bad--I want to hear?
Thank you so much:)
Birthday Dinner! 16 :o)

We were going to take Tony to Medieval Times, but he wanted Guitar Hero too--so we told Tony he can go to MT or to a nice dinner and get the Guitar hero--he chose dinner and the game:)
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Our Walk Today!
I try and take Kevin on a walk everyday--especially when it is beautiful outside. I know most of you know, I live in a little beach town--but I often forget to share pictures of just how beautiful my little town is--so please join me in my walk this morning--->

That seagull was just hoping Little Kevin dropped a cheerio...LOL

We walked the whole length of the Pier

Thank you for looking at my pictures of my walk today:)