There are certain items in my kitchen that I try to always have on hand. I think things like that we call staples. When I was about 20 and learning to stock my kitchen, someone called them staples---I thought to myself, *Staples?*...so I immediately called my grandmother and asked her what staples were. At that time, we did not have the Internet and Google.
(However did we manage back then...LOL)
Okay, so in my kitchen I try and always have on hand:
Yeast~~~I keep this in the freezer.
Bread flour
All purpose flour
Rice~~~White/Brown/Jasmine/ Basmati
Pasta~~an assortment
Spaghetti sauce
I will have a few bags of dried peas~~~~Love pea soup.
Eggs are a must!
An assortment of canned goods~~~I try and buy fresh veggies, but I also have canned veggies too.
Cream of mushroom soup~~~Some of you may think how unhealthy, hey it is a favorite of my husbands:)
Potatoes~~~~There are so many things you can do with potatoes~
An assortment of herbs and spices. I will buy things like fresh Dill and Basil and dry them myself with my dehydrator. The dill I use a lot for my Ranch dressing.
Salt and pepper
...and my husband will say Popsicles are a must too...LOL~~~Probably not a staple, but they are always in the freezer....LOL.
Okay so some of these things may not actually be considered a staple, but they are things that make my kitchen happy:)
I am sure I have forgotten a few things but I will add them if I remember!
Is there something that is a must in your kitchen?
Okay, so in my kitchen I try and always have on hand:
Yeast~~~I keep this in the freezer.
Bread flour
All purpose flour
Rice~~~White/Brown/Jasmine/ Basmati
Pasta~~an assortment
Spaghetti sauce
I will have a few bags of dried peas~~~~Love pea soup.
Eggs are a must!
An assortment of canned goods~~~I try and buy fresh veggies, but I also have canned veggies too.
Cream of mushroom soup~~~Some of you may think how unhealthy, hey it is a favorite of my husbands:)
Potatoes~~~~There are so many things you can do with potatoes~
An assortment of herbs and spices. I will buy things like fresh Dill and Basil and dry them myself with my dehydrator. The dill I use a lot for my Ranch dressing.
Salt and pepper
...and my husband will say Popsicles are a must too...LOL~~~Probably not a staple, but they are always in the freezer....LOL.
Okay so some of these things may not actually be considered a staple, but they are things that make my kitchen happy:)
I am sure I have forgotten a few things but I will add them if I remember!
Is there something that is a must in your kitchen?