Well I hope everyone that participates in this day, have a safe and fun day filled with lots of candy.
Step One
Separate the seeds of a freshly carved pumpkin from the stringy membrane. Rinse the seeds just until they are free of any membrane matter.
Step Two
Heat the oven to 350 degrees F.
Step Three
Put the seeds on a paper towel and let them dry for a few minutes.
Step Four
Spray a baking sheet with butter-flavored nonstick cooking spray or brush with a light coating of vegetable oil. Put the seeds on the baking sheet in a single layer, turning to coat lightly with the spray or the oil. Sprinkle the seeds lightly with salt, if desired.
Step Five
Put the baking sheet in the oven. Cook the seeds for 10 to 20 minutes, or until brown and slightly crisp, turning once. Allow to cool before eating.
Step Six
Store seeds in an airtight container.
Tips & Warnings
Pumpkin seeds can be eaten with the outer shell on or off.
For a saltier treat, boil the pumpkin seeds in heavily salted water for ten minutes, then bake them.
Also try additional seasonings on your seeds: cajun seasoning, worcestershire sauce, and garlic salt are some possibilities.
Your turn---->
Please leave a link to your blog of a picture of your shiny sink--and whoever said NO Way, because their sink was old--well, my sink is old too...LOL
I just LOVE EGGNOG!!! so this should make for an interesting coffee.
Fly Lady sure knows what she is talking about when she says to shine your sink. Have you noticed that when you shine your sink, everything else just seems to fall in place. If my kitchen is a mess, then it just leads to a un-organized day, kwim? When I house clean I sometimes just do 5 minutes at a time---It amazes me what I can get done in 5 minutes---I can make my bed and pick up a few things and wipe things down in a matter of minutes. Then I play with baby, then another 5 minutes, then play with baby..and so on...not all the time--sometimes, when he sleeps for a good two hours I can get a lot done--like a bathroom scrubbed, laundry put away, etc. How I enjoy being a wife and mother:)
I did my grocery shopping yesterday, and would you believe it, I forgot garbage bags? I even had a list and I still forgot them, so this morning, I had to stop back at the store and get garbage bags.(and a few other things too;)
Tonight for dinner we will have a 7-bone roast. Baby is up--be back soon xoxox
It was a hot day today--I mean HOT!!! It is supposed to cool off--hopefully it will. We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner--I used a jar sauce with Mushrooms and Olives--and it was pretty good--I really like olives.
Well, tomorrow Alexis is having a play date with a friend from school--so that should be fun. There are some really nice kids on our block too, so that really makes me happy that Alexis is having a nice social life:) It is so cute to hear little girls play--
My dear sweet Tony, was in a situation with some kids--and he made the right decision---I am soooo VERY proud of him. It is hard being 15, remember those days?
Well, I better get the laundry put away--have a great evening:)