I just love these vintage ads and pictures!

In just a few short hours, Thanksgiving vacation will officially begin~~YaY!!
Tomorrow I will be getting my Turkey. Albertson's is having a buy one get one free.
Starting this evening it is supposed to start raining and continue to rain through out the entire weekend. I love the rain. Plenty of hot chocolate, hot tea and coffee with holiday creamer:) I also have Egg Nogg:::Giggles::: I know that egg nogg is either loved or not liked at all. I love it.
I have my menu all planned out for ThanksGiving, and I have picked up a few things here and there as I shop. I really need to get a new table cloth for my table though.
Alexis's corn feast at school was a success, everyone brought so many fun dishes. I took a bunch of pictures, I will share in the next post. You have to try the Corn and Bean Salsa Recipe I posted a few posts down, it really was good, and everyone liked it. There wasn't any left when I left the party.
If I have said it once, I have said it a thousand times, I am so happy to be a wife and mother. Is there anything more satisfying then this? I couldn't imagine doing anything else, and I am so thankful for my husband, that I am able to live out my dream of being a wife and mother!!! I just love being able to provide a clean and inviting home for my family with good food for them to eat that I made:) Even certain tasks that I may not enjoy doing I feel good when they are done:) I love going to bed knowing I have a shiny sink and my kitchen is already for the morning's breakfast. Don't get me wrong, there are some nights were the kitchen is a little ignored..LOL...Like last night, I had to soak my pan, so that is waiting for me to scrub.
Well motherly duty calls:)
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