Happy Friday!
Getting ready for Easter. I will be making a ham dinner for Easter:) I will make of course with it, deviled eggs, salad, asparagus, some sort of potato dish, Macaroni and Cheese, and veggies.
I will post exactly what I make with pictures:) I love the green bean casserole, but it seems I am the only one that eats it, and it is my favorite. I also want to make potato salad.
I also have Kevin's Birthday Party to get ready for the following Saturday. He is turning 4. 4!!??? Can you believe it? I sure can not.
The weather here has been chilly, high 50's low 60's. My husband was in Northern California this week, and he got back last night at dinner time. I love it when he is home. I am sure he is glad to be home, after traveling for vacation and then work, I am sure he is traveled out for awhile..LOL.
Last night's dinner we had pork chops, mashed potatoes, peas, and a salad. Tonight's dinner will be Tacos.
I bought a new toilet cleaner, the Kaboom Foamtastic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, and I really like it. I love the smell of clean.

Oh, I almost forgot, Awhile back, I am not sure if I mentioned it, but Kevin got me a steam cleaner. We used it when we got it, and then this week, I used it again. I did Our bedroom. the upstairs hallway and the the living room. I just love when my carpets are clean. I do not like spots, they bug me...LOL.

Also, I love the smell of Vanilla, I even wear vanilla body spray. When I was in Georgia, my Mil's home smelled so lovely. I asked her how she kept her home smelling so good all the time, and she uses the Vanilla warmers that plug into the wall. I use those, but haven't refilled them for awhile. So when we got back, I refilled the warmers with vanilla, and my house smells so nice now. You can totally smell it, especially when you go outside and come back in:)
Happy Friday, YES IT IS FRIDAY!!!! Time for another cup of coffee:)
Julieann, I love vanilla too. Can I ask what brand you are using? I bought the Bath and Body vanilla plug in's but they do not work very well. Thanks and I hope you and your family had a happy Easter even if we didn't have the greatest weather.
We had a lovely Easter. Hope you did, too. We have a steam cleaner, and I love it! The only thing I have noticed is that you have to use it frequently, because it will make your carpet a little more susceptible to spotting in between usings. However, when I do use it regularly, it really makes our carpets look so much better!
Hi Shawn:) I use the Glade or Airwick plug ins.
Elizabeth, thank you for the steam cleaning tip:)
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