Happy July everyone! This is also the month I will be turning 40:) YaY! Anyway, July has been a very cold and wet month~~~it feels like winter more then summer. My daughters party will be on Saturday and I have to get going on getting the house ready. It will be mainly outside with the bouncy house, but I still want the inside to look neat and tidy too. Kevin has been out of town, but will be back today:) That is all for now...I have got to get to work! Happy Thursday! 

Happy birthday early! I hope it's extra special. I have thought of you every time I've seen one of those tomato things...I had wanted one, but have yet to hear of anyone who had raging success with it. Summer is flying by...I hope to savor it a bit before it's gone.
Take extra good care,
What an exciting birthday! I am still a couple of years away from 40 but the idea is not bothering me at all.
Oh cool, I turned 40 this month too, the 12th in fact. Two of my daughters' birthdays were this month too. July's are busy! Have a good one!!Happy Birthday!
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