Today is a chilly day--so we are nice and cozy in our home---it may rain.
Plans for the day:
Do some laundry
Mop the Kitchen floor
Empty dishwasher--again!
Plans for the day:
Do some laundry
Mop the Kitchen floor
Empty dishwasher--again!
Get chicken in the oven for dinner.
Stop at the grocery store to pick up ingredients for a cake:)
.....and more laundry....LOL.
Stop at the grocery store to pick up ingredients for a cake:)
.....and more laundry....LOL.
Happy Wednesday everyone!

OOOhhhh, one more thing--I am just heartbroken they took the The Walton's off the Hallmark channel--I always enjoyed doing my housework with Grandma and Olivia :::sigh:::: Instead they put the Golden Girls???---Huh?? I don't relate to that show---I wrote Hallmark a letter too---they were one of my favorite channels--now they are putting shows on it, that don't fit the Hallmark style---oh well-----time to start buying the DvD's:)
I'm having a similar day. I don't have to work today so am getting some laundry and picking up done. I went to the grocery store. I'm also washing m y son's bedding. He will be home in 11 days and his room has been just sitting empty. Time to freshen it up!
I agree that the Golden Girls does not fit Hallmark!
I miss the Waltons too. I always turned them on and then Little House came on after that. By the time they were off all my housework was done!! I hope they put it back on - I do not care for the Golden Girls at all.
My daddy loved to watch the Walton's. I sure do miss my daddy. :'(
Hi Julieann! I hope you had a great day! Now that I've seen a couple of seasons of The Waltons - and loved watching them - I'm disappointed that Hallmark has taken it off the air. I'll have to continue to rent the rest of the seasons.
Oh I love the Waltons, I didn't know they were on TV now. I used to watch them growing up.
Thats too bad they took them off. Hope its not replaced by something not so good to watch
happy day Julieann
I agree, I love the Waltons. I was upset to find them not on the Hallmark channel anymore.
My mother grew up during the time frame of The Waltons. She never would watch it because she said that having lived through the Great Depression and WW II once was more than enough, thank you very much and she didn't need to watch it on TV. Guess that's one of the reasons I never got into the show, though I always did like Grand-pa. He reminded me of my grand-pa.
My daughter has The Waltons dvds and we love them! I agree that Hallmark and TV Land are putting stuff on that just isn't good anymore.
I also love the Waltons!
I am from West Virginia.
And that show is so very much like my grandparents
Pamela in Ohio
I much prefer the Waltons...it's so sad they took it off. :0(
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