Thank you so much for the comments on my little bird---I feel so bad for Sunshine the yellow bird--he lost his companion:( I am going to let him morn for a little while and then I am going to bring a new friend for him----I am not sure how long I should wait--I know when my sweet little green bird died, my husband brought home the yellow bird immediately---and my blue bird seemed very happy. The blue bird that died, had traveled across country twice---she had a long life and hopefully a happy one--and she was a singer---my little yellow bird yesterday managed to sing a few tunes--but they were sad--not the happy chipper little tweets I am used too---
My tivo is full of wonderful shows, so while I am busy with laundry and ironing I can watch these. I did a little ironing last night---I have to iron when my husband is home or when my baby is napping--so it is touch and go with that.
Little Kevin is napping right now--but when he wakes, I am going to go to the market-----I think I am going to buy some Zucchinis --I saw a really good show on the food network about roasting them--so I think I am going to try this---I had quite a stock of chicken--and I have to say, I am so hoping their are good deals on other meats...LOL--I am chickened out:) I do love pasta though--I could eat pasta everyday. Ohhhh and mayonnaise--if I was deserted on a desert island---just leave me with a jar of mayonnaise...I could eat it like ice cream---HAAAAAA, how many of you are grossed out now. Miracle Whip is not allowed on this blog-----Sorry KF'ers---(this is an AOL cooking messgae board--click at your own risk)(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE:::GIGGLES::::)
My tivo is full of wonderful shows, so while I am busy with laundry and ironing I can watch these. I did a little ironing last night---I have to iron when my husband is home or when my baby is napping--so it is touch and go with that.
Little Kevin is napping right now--but when he wakes, I am going to go to the market-----I think I am going to buy some Zucchinis --I saw a really good show on the food network about roasting them--so I think I am going to try this---I had quite a stock of chicken--and I have to say, I am so hoping their are good deals on other meats...LOL--I am chickened out:) I do love pasta though--I could eat pasta everyday. Ohhhh and mayonnaise--if I was deserted on a desert island---just leave me with a jar of mayonnaise...I could eat it like ice cream---HAAAAAA, how many of you are grossed out now. Miracle Whip is not allowed on this blog-----Sorry KF'ers---(this is an AOL cooking messgae board--click at your own risk)(YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE:::GIGGLES::::)
It is finally cooling off---it was soooo HOT--I mean HOT!
I am also putting up a new poll---just because I am nosey:) It is anonymous--so please answer--I am just curious about how old everyone is(again)--->
My best girlfriend is turning 40 and she is sad about that----I am proud to say I am 38 and I embrace every gray hair I have earned!!! My 30's were/are awesome--I can't wait to see what is in store for my 40's in a couple years!

One last thing--Please say a prayer for Michelle--my heart is just breaking over this woman's pain!
I am also putting up a new poll---just because I am nosey:) It is anonymous--so please answer--I am just curious about how old everyone is(again)--->
My best girlfriend is turning 40 and she is sad about that----I am proud to say I am 38 and I embrace every gray hair I have earned!!! My 30's were/are awesome--I can't wait to see what is in store for my 40's in a couple years!

One last thing--Please say a prayer for Michelle--my heart is just breaking over this woman's pain!
I have to admit when you said that you can eat mayo like icecream I said YUK!:) I think you should get a new bird right away, I think sunshine would like that. I just watched the New York episode of the Duggars, I always have a big smile and happy tears when watching them.
I love pasta too!!!
I answered your sidebar question.
I am 37. We are close in age.
Happy Friday Julieann!
So eating mayo like ice cream is a tad bit disturbing to me. Pasta is a favorite of mine too. I really like Zucchinis, sauteed with some EVOO (as Rachel Ray would put it) and sprinkled with Nature's Seasoning.
I'm an old lady compared to you. 46! I often wonder how I got that old, where did all the years go.
I read michelle's blog and I cried. What a brave woman.
Enjoy the zucchini. I just made some yummy baked butternut squash - my very favorite.
When you visit her blog next have tissues available :(
I fully support you in your anti-miraclewhip stance! and I'm 38 too :o)
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