Today is the first day of school for my daughter--she is starting the 2nd grade---This is the dress she just HAD to have for first day of school--She looks beautiful--I think she made a wonderful choice:) School rules in California is no open toe shoes---so that really limits what kind of shoes she can wear to school--as in girly girl types--so we picked out these white tennis shoe and it has little diamonds all over them---I will have to take a close up picture of them.
She has her backpack over her shoulder--it is a Hello Kitty backpack--and all the supplies inside are Hello Kitty (Target):) I think I had more butterflies in my tummy then she did. It was really nice to see all the people I had not seen all summer--I miss her already!
...and here is a picture of me as a blond--I was 19 years old in this picture---LOOK at all that makeup...LOL.---This was the year 1989! My hair is really long, but it is all layered--I could not find a picture that showed the length of my hair----
(I thought blonde was spelled with an e at the end, but spell check says it is spelled without an e at the end???--- I spelled it that way in the other post and it just does not look spelled right)
Last night we had Grilled Pork, Burnt Brussel Spouts, Salad!
Tonight---Hamburger---Fried Okra, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
Tony's is doing independent study this first semester--he has some credits to make up--and this is the fastest and best way for him to catch up--I am praying this works out like it looked on paper--I know he can do the work---he just needs to focus! So Tony's First day of school photo is coming :O) I am glad he will be home with me.

(I thought blonde was spelled with an e at the end, but spell check says it is spelled without an e at the end???--- I spelled it that way in the other post and it just does not look spelled right)

Last night we had Grilled Pork, Burnt Brussel Spouts, Salad!
Tonight---Hamburger---Fried Okra, Mashed Potatoes, Salad
Tony's is doing independent study this first semester--he has some credits to make up--and this is the fastest and best way for him to catch up--I am praying this works out like it looked on paper--I know he can do the work---he just needs to focus! So Tony's First day of school photo is coming :O) I am glad he will be home with me.
Hi Julieann. Your daughter looks really cute! And I'm sure that she's really happy with her Hello Kitty stuff for school (I'd really be if I was her!).
You look very sexy (if you allow me to say it) with your blond hair and you didn't seem to have only 19 years. It's curious but 1989 it's my birth year.
Enjoy Julieann! Kisses from Spain!
Alexis looks adorable. I love a little girl that looks like a little girl. I hope she has a great first day of the year in 2nd grade.
Can I say I think the picture of you with blonde hair is stunning, beautiful. Of course you look beautiful now too!
Happy Tuesday
2nd grade already??? MY!! How time flies!! She looks SO excited! I pray that her day goes well!
And you with blond/blonde hair (I always thought it had an "e", too!!)... you look BEAUTIFUL no matter what your hair color!!
And I must add, you can DEFINITELY tell that Tony is your son! Seeing you with blonde (I don't care, I'll put an "e", anyway! LOL!!) looks SO much like him!!!
Have a happy Tuesday!
Mrs. U
Hi Julieann
Great pics of Alexis. =)
You make a cute blonde...blond...yeah my spell check says its wrong with an "e" at the end too...but I think that's the Canadian spelling...we have the French influence in alot of our words...they like to add "u"s in words and "e"s onto the end of some words...
my kids started school today too...they almost had a bird when I brought out the camera for a back to school picture! the older 3 anyway....Hope you're doing well...
Hiya Jules-I think you look cute as a blonde but I do think your brunette hair is gorgeous! So is your daughters.,..Gracie wore the same dress for her first day to school too! She got it in the hot pink plaid though, not the red-or, maybe it is pink and looks red online? I do remember seeing red in Walmart though....hmmmmm
You do look cute as a blonde....but you and Alexis both have beautiful brunette hair. Hope she had a great first day of school! :)
So Julieann,
First of all your sweet little girl looks wonderful.
Second, your blonde days were adorable, yet I do have to say your natural hair color definately becomes you much more, as does the current make-up styles (lighter and a bit more natural) of today. But admittedly you are beautiful ither way.
Love & Prayers,
What a great photo of you! It's always fun to look back and see what we used to look like.
Kaia started kindergarten last week, and she loved the Hello Kitty lunch containers from Target. Your daughter is beautiful, hope she enjoys school.
Alexis is so cute! What a pretty dress she had for the first day of school too.
You look great as a blond!!
Hey Julieann!
Blonde nor brunette, you look beautiful! Your daughter is an angel! What a stylish outfit! Grace also loves Hello Kitty and has a stainless steel cup of her from Target. :o)
Hi! I found you through MBC - I clicked on your site, heard the music, and had to tell you: I love Little House!! They just started showing reruns here (Canada) everyday at 5pm so I've been watching it with my kids. Your daughter looks beautiful, BTW. My son is starting grade two too!
Hi Julieann, I just wanted to say that my twin 10 year old girls, just had to have the same dress only in pink (of course), School would have been put on hold and buses wouldn't have run if they hadn't been able to get it!! LOL! Your little girl looked as gorgeous as mine on their first day back!
Hi Julieann, What a darling daughter you have. She looks precious on her first day of school.
You look cute in that photo. I spell blonde both ways. I think it is like the English word for shop, they spell it shoppe. I like the way blonde looks with the 'e' so I do it.
Have a good day. I have prayed for you, but just now remembered to add your name to my side bar. How are you? I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear baby. Hugs, Kathi
Hi JulieAnn,
Your daughter looks soo cute all dressed up for her first day of school. I LOVE her dress.
I know my daughter would love it too.
Megan is off to kindergarten (sniffle, sniffle)
and Derek is in 4th grade.
THey are growing up so much.
BTW you look good in the picture too.
MMNN! Your meals sound deliciouso.
It's BLT's for lunch here today.
Well anyway, just wanted to say hi.
I know I need to find time to post soon. I've been busy with daycare and the adjustment of kids off to school.
Hugs, Lori
Your daughter is so cute!
I really like those type of sneaks with skirts, I think she looks GREAT!
By the way, hehe...I like you pic! You should checkout
You can upload a picture of yourself, one of you looking straight forward, and it will put different hairdo's and styles of the different decades on you. It was fun when I wanted to just play and had a few minutes to do it.
Your daughter is so precious, and she looks like you.
It's funny, I just saw an article about the spelling of blond(e) the other day. Traditionally, blond was masculine and blonde was feminine. Blonde is also how you spell it when you say "She is a blonde" as in "She is a blonde; her sister is a redhead and their mother is a brunette." I think some of the political correctness of our age has made blonde with an e fall out of favor, particularly when it comes to describing a woman only in terms of her haircolor. But, I think blonde looks better, and that's how I spell it, too.
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