For Dinner we had :
Hamburger Pie
Steamed Veggies
Fresh Green Salad
This is the Pie before I put it in the oven-->
Hamburger Pie
Steamed Veggies
Fresh Green Salad
This is the Pie before I put it in the oven-->

Steamed veggies in my steamer--->

Cook the ground beef in a frying pan until it is done, put aside, satay an onion until it is golden brown--add to the ground beef---I sprinkle some Montreal steak seasoning and *W* sauce on the meat.
Then I made a cheese sauce, exactly the kind of cheese sauce you would make for macaroni and Cheese-- (Butter, milk, flour and cheese)
I had a crust in my fridge that I put in a pie plate and I made a pretty edge--you can use store bought crust or make your own. I had a store bought handy.
Put meat into the pie shell--and pour cheese sauce on the meat--or you can mix the meat and sauce before you add it--whichever. Then I sprinkled a whole bunch of Cheddar cheese on top and baked it in the oven until the top was golden brown:)
Looks yummy! I can't even remember what we had for dinner last night- OH YEAH Baked beans and hamburgers LOL
I am so glad you posted this because I have been meaning to ask you about how you serve salads. I see it looks like one big bowl. DO you have salad bowls on the table or does your family just put it on there plates with dinner? WHat do you do with the left over salad?
The bowl of salad lasts two days---I serve the salad in salad bowls because my husband does not like the dressing on his dinner plate. After dinner I put the leftover salad in a ziploc bag and put it in the fridge. Then the next day, I will put it in a salad bowl and usually I will have to add more lettuce--we are really big salad eaters, so I serve the salad first and then the dinner----sometimes for me, if I make chicken, I just shread some of the chicken on my salad and that is my whole dinner.
I serve salad for dinner every single night--except when I make Tacos or something similiar.
TY Julieann!
I buy the predone lettuce mixes and they just rot in the fridge. When I buy them I have visions of salad for dinner every night but then I forget about them. I am trying to figure out a way to remember them and eat them. Do you find yourself with dinner leftovers? Well I guess not when Tony is home huh? LOL
Looks yummy! Now I'm hungry!
These sound just yummy.
Thanks for makin' me hungry, LOL.
Love & Prayers,
p.s. I just realized this mornin' that we are both on PH. I think that must have been where I first found out about ur blog. So hello fellow PHer. :)
Ronda I adore PH so much:) I am going to go look for you now:)
Your hamburger pie looks very good!
California produce is the best too, it seems we got fresher produce that lasted longer when we lived in California.
hope you all enjoyed your lovely meal.
The pie looks delicious and what a fresh looking salad! I'll bet it was yummy!
P.s I forgot to tell you that I got the tablecloth from IKEA. Do you have any stores near you?
That looks so good and easy. I think I'll try it that way. The cheese sauce probably makes it really creamy.
Ground beef is a favorite with my husband, so I'm always on the lookout for new recipes.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I have made this in the past and my family loved it!! Yours looks good. Your veges look yummy too!!
The meal looks yummy.
Has anyone tried those new re-washable produce bags that are supposed to keep produce fresh longer? I picked up a package in my grocery store, and I do think they work. You have to use a different bag, though, for different things: Use the same bag for bananas and a different one for lettuce, for example.
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