Happy Tuesday!

1. Make sure all beds are made
2. All dirty dishes are either in the dishwasher or put away
3. Wipe down all kitchen counters
4. Laundry going
5. Floors swept
6. Carpets Vacummed--I do not like carpet--UGH---my dream home will have no carpet..LOL
7. Do a quick 5 minute pickup in every room
I also, get a plastic bag and see what trash I can throw away, with children, especially Alexis, I can always find cut up paper, or in Tony's room crumpled up paper--etc. Remember FlyLady's 27 Fling boogie thingy?
I have to say when the beds are Made and the dishes are done--it makes the world of difference.
Also, many years ago---I read that if you are newly married and don't know how to cook--saute celery and onion and your house will smell like you are a chef, and your new husband will be so proud:)--that always makes me giggle:) Make your house smell good--either by good smelling food--or a nice clean wiped down home--I also love vanilla candles--I don't do incense, way to strong for me......
ALSO---> Make sure there is TP in every bathroom---and back ups too.
What is your Quick Clean like?
Now once all the basics are done, you can devote your time to other things. I can't live in chaos, so if my house is neat and tidy, other things go much smoothly.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
2. All dirty dishes are either in the dishwasher or put away
3. Wipe down all kitchen counters
4. Laundry going
5. Floors swept
6. Carpets Vacummed--I do not like carpet--UGH---my dream home will have no carpet..LOL
7. Do a quick 5 minute pickup in every room
I also, get a plastic bag and see what trash I can throw away, with children, especially Alexis, I can always find cut up paper, or in Tony's room crumpled up paper--etc. Remember FlyLady's 27 Fling boogie thingy?
I have to say when the beds are Made and the dishes are done--it makes the world of difference.
Also, many years ago---I read that if you are newly married and don't know how to cook--saute celery and onion and your house will smell like you are a chef, and your new husband will be so proud:)--that always makes me giggle:) Make your house smell good--either by good smelling food--or a nice clean wiped down home--I also love vanilla candles--I don't do incense, way to strong for me......
ALSO---> Make sure there is TP in every bathroom---and back ups too.
What is your Quick Clean like?
Now once all the basics are done, you can devote your time to other things. I can't live in chaos, so if my house is neat and tidy, other things go much smoothly.
Happy Tuesday Everyone!
Your Tuesday sounds like my every morning! LOL. I like my house to smell like Clorox Lemon Kitchen Cleaner. Keeps me from eating and dirtying up the kitchen!
I love flylady, too...now I just hav eto get back in my groove!!! Fridays have always been my Home Blessing day!
I agree a tidy house (we know thats hard with children sometimes)
Empty sink, made beds, and floors swept or vacuumed. Those are my big 3. I also keep clutter to a minimum. Less is more?
I also love vanilla or cinnamon apple candles, although my new theme for the bedroom is lavendar (great for relaxing and sleep)
I'm a candle finatic. I actually perfer tart burners.
I love your routine.
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