Thank you all for the comments and emails about the hummus and pita chips and I hope you all try it and love it! Let me know if you make it. Also, in light of the current events with a lot of the blog impersonators going around and a lot of my dear blogging friends taking there blog to private I want to know if I should leave the links up in my sidebar of some of the blogs I recomend/visit? If your blog is on my list in the sidebar and you want it off, please let me know.
It is a cold and rainy Thursday, and I have sooooooooooooooooooooo much to be Thankful for. I am thankful for such a hardworking husband, who has a lot of the same beliefs I do--Granted it would be a lot easier on him if I worked outside of the home--but we both agree that it is more importnat to be there for our kids then to have *Things*. I was listening to Dr. Laura and she was talking to a young women who was babysiting her friends baby, and the baby would just cry and cry for her mother--it was heart breaking. Now, don't get me wrong---there are always exceptions to the rule--I was an exception to that rule for a few years and I never want to have to do that again--I thank God everyday for giving me such a wonderful man! I am thankful for my children and their health--I am thankful, I have food in our kitchen and cookbooks to make wonderful dinners. I am thankful of our beautiful home--electricity to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer--I am thankful for the rain that cleans the earth--I am thankful that my grandmother of 88 years is still here and is my best friend.
Okay, I am just plain Thankful:o)
I also want to know if there is ANYONE my age that is still having children or trying to have more children---I don't know ANYONE where I live that wants more children---:::sigh::: I am 37, I will turn 38 in July--is there anyone out there that relates to me?? Or am I just a total oddball?
Okay --Random picture time---->
Kevin drinking from a juice box---he drinks through a straw, isn't that funny
It is a cold and rainy Thursday, and I have sooooooooooooooooooooo much to be Thankful for. I am thankful for such a hardworking husband, who has a lot of the same beliefs I do--Granted it would be a lot easier on him if I worked outside of the home--but we both agree that it is more importnat to be there for our kids then to have *Things*. I was listening to Dr. Laura and she was talking to a young women who was babysiting her friends baby, and the baby would just cry and cry for her mother--it was heart breaking. Now, don't get me wrong---there are always exceptions to the rule--I was an exception to that rule for a few years and I never want to have to do that again--I thank God everyday for giving me such a wonderful man! I am thankful for my children and their health--I am thankful, I have food in our kitchen and cookbooks to make wonderful dinners. I am thankful of our beautiful home--electricity to keep warm in the winter and cool in the summer--I am thankful for the rain that cleans the earth--I am thankful that my grandmother of 88 years is still here and is my best friend.
Okay, I am just plain Thankful:o)
I also want to know if there is ANYONE my age that is still having children or trying to have more children---I don't know ANYONE where I live that wants more children---:::sigh::: I am 37, I will turn 38 in July--is there anyone out there that relates to me?? Or am I just a total oddball?
Okay --Random picture time---->
Kevin drinking from a juice box---he drinks through a straw, isn't that funny

Last night for dinner, I was going to make chicken, but I had so much leftovers , so we had that--so tonight, I am going to make Chicken---I also have a lot of asparagus and turnip greens that I have to cook before they go bad.
I am soooo excited for spring break--the last day of school is tomorrow--yay!!!
Great pictures Julieann.
Well for me, I was 39 when I had my Belle. I had tried for so many years it didnt' matter to me how old I was:) All my friends have older children. I am 43 and still want more children, We never have stopped trying well we will never do anything to not get pregnant lets put it that way. I do think you are certainly young enough to have more babies thats for sure.
Good luck, :)
Great pictures Julieann.
Well for me, I was 39 when I had my Belle. I had tried for so many years it didnt' matter to me how old I was:) All my friends have older children. I am 43 and still want more children, We never have stopped trying well we will never do anything to not get pregnant lets put it that way. I do think you are certainly young enough to have more babies thats for sure.
Good luck, :)
Hi Deezie--That's right, I remember you telling me about wanting more children:)
Thank you for telling me I am still young enough---people in blogland and my doctor all tell me this--but the people around me--like the mother's at school all say to me--Better you then me--and I think to myself--yes--you are right :)
It is in God's hands, right? :o)
I an't have more children, but I do long for more even though we have 4. I'd definitely have more if I could! (I'm 37 too!)
I would have another child if I could. We have two girls 16 and 15 and would love to have another one but dh and I decided on a vasectomy before we knew the Lord. When is your birthday in July? Mine is the 29th and I also true 38. Clare
well I had kiera at 39. I'm so lucky to have been blessed with her.
In my opinion, if you are active and healthy I seen no reasons not to have more if you want them.
I giggle at the comment "better you than me" I get that, would get that all the time when I had kiera. I said in my head, just what you said!
seriously you must be surrounded with the same kind of people i am .
Hi Clare--my birthday is the 24th--Our birthday's are pretty close:)
16 and 15--you had your two so close--are they good friends now?
It was almost like having tiwns, huh? (Bless your heart) :o)
Hi Julianne. I had two when I was really young they are 19 and 21 now. I had one when I was 36 and one when I was 37. They are 3 and 4 now. If I could I would have more. If you want more is between you God and your husband. Don't listen to other people. Do what is right for you.
You have a beautiful family and I can't believe how big Kevin Jr. is getting. God bless you all.
When I was pregnant with Ava, I got that "better you than me" comment from some moms in my mom's club (I don't hang out with that particular group anymore, you can guess why.) I seriously chalked it up to plain 'ole jealousy. All 3 of the moms who said that to me are very focused on *things.* I laughed at your response to the "better you than me" comments. :-) I don't think you are too husband will be 39 this August, and I just found out my dear Bible study leader had her first child the same age as I did when I had Liesl, and she has 4 children. She is the same age as my mother. She babysits for us sometimes. I think I would like at least one more, so I say go for it. :-)
Your children are so gorgeous, even the evasive Mr. Tony, I've seen him before. :-)
I, too, thank God that I have the privilege of staying home with my children. I have taken some work here and there since Ava was born, but only work that I can bring my children along with me. It's great. They are part of me. And they are only this little this kind of cute for such a short time!
Sorry, I'm long-winded today. Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Julieann! Happy Spring break! I love seeing pictures of you and your family! Little Kevin is getting to be such a big boy!! Have a wonderful weekend.
Love and hugs,
Hi Julieann!!
I am 38 and still want LOTS more babies!!! Although I won't be carrying them in my tummy, I will be doing all those middle of the night feedings!!!
I will add your desire for more blessings to my prayer list!
Mrs. U
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