Janice and Susan, twin sisters, work at home moms and founders of *Five Minutes For Mom* are hosting the ultimate blog party--isn't that FUN...LOL:) It is a wonderful way to find new blogs and *meet* wonderful people. I have heard they have prizes also.

:::Waiving hello to all my blogging friends, Old Ones and New Ones:::::

My name is Julieann, I am 37--I live in San Clemente, California--for those of you unfamiliar with it--it is smack dab in the middle of Los Angeles and San Diego--it is a quaint little beach town, that I love!!

I am a SAHM--and I enjoy every single minute of it. I am married to a very sweet man, and I have three children---hoping for more. I love to write about the happenings of my daily life, which include: cooking, laundry---taking long walks on the beach--really, I do that...LOL---I also, love to talk about sewing, or trying to sew, baking, crafts and I love everything about *Little House*--- I strive to be the best wife and mother I can--I want to be a good person. I enjoy meeting new people that are interested in these things--a simple life full of love. In my profile I stated that I am a wife and mother and there is nothing more satisfying--and I truly mean it.

Thank you so much for visiting!!! Feel free to take a look around:) Have a wonderful day (((Gentle Hugs)))

what a beautiful family you have! nicetameetcha! i'm jayedee, mom of 12, living in the sunshine state! party on dudette! lol. if you love chickens (and what woman doesn't love chickens?) check out the awesome giveaway on my blog this week!
Thank you for having us in your home! I always enjoy visiting you--Love hearing aobut your sweet family and the happening in you life as wife and mother. Have a great day!
Hi julieanne. Thanks for the links and info. I love a party! What a neat idea.
LOL, I love Little House, too! It only took me 2 notes to know that was the song playing on your blog. I watch it (or have it on) every day. It's on 4 times a day on Hallmark channel!
Happy partying!
Deb at Three Weddings
Can I move where you live? It is so pretty. Love the cake too!
What a loving family and home you have. Your little boy is so sweet. All of your children are. I enjoy hearing about your life and I will come back to see what your dinner plans are. I could use some fresh ideas. Blessings, Kathi
Stopping by for the Blog Party-I have great prizes I'm giving away on MomReviews, hope you'll stop by!
I loved your blog, we love little house too here! Nice to have met you! Stop by and visit. http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/byourlove1
The picture of Tony with the dog is too cute. Men that are good with dogs generally are good with people too. Did you ever notice that? It's true....
Love your blog, it's a bright spot.
Take care!
Hi there, Julieann! I just thought I'd take this opportunity to delurk, this being a party and all. I just love reading your blog. You have a lovely family and your cheerful outlook on being a SAHM brightens my day. I live in Santa Ana so we're kind of Orange County neighbors!
Have a wonderful day!
Nice to meet you. I'm a SAHM to 2 year old little girl. Please come by and visit me at Scamp's Place and Teen Lit Review for some book giveaways.
Welcome to the party... party hearty... take care and don't be a stranger..
Love this post. It was fun to read and learn a little bit more about you.
Still hopping from blog to blog... my goal is to post at each blog at least once. Nice to meet you. Happy blogging!
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