1950's Vintage PINK Kitchen--isn't it just wonderful!
On Monday I am going to make a post of an average day in my daily life as a wife and mother---I will post what I do from the time I wake up until I go to bed--and I will add some pictures too. Maybe I can get someone in my family to snap a picture of me scrubbing the bathtub...in my dress and apron--wouldn't that be fun.
Anyway, I know that when I go to blogs and read a post about someone making bread, scrubbing this or that, making a craft with their kids, going to the library, it totally motivates me in those areas. Also, I am hoping I can get some of you to play along with me---I will put a Mister Linky at the bottom of my Monday Post and if you write up a post that week about your day, you can add a link so we can all get encouragement, motivation or help in that area that we aren't so sure of. Reading what other people do, awlays gives me tips and hints on how to run my home more smoothly---so I am going to write up my post on Monday, and I will probably have follow up posts on other things---I am going to make some dinner rolls either today or tomorrow, so I will try and take pictures of that too.
So, you don't have to say anything, but if you are so inclined and decide to play and write a post of *A Day in the Life of You*--please let me know and post a link to my Mister Linky next week starting Monday, okay?
I also want to share a post with you all that gave me goosebumps. It was one of those posts that you read and walk away a better person for reading it. I am sure you all are familiar with Mrs.B and her Beautiful Blog Cherish the Home---She wrote an absolute wonderful post about being a stay at home wife---and it really gets you thinking and wanting to do better, so please grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this post --->Cherish The Home: My Stay At Home Wife Story

On Monday I am going to make a post of an average day in my daily life as a wife and mother---I will post what I do from the time I wake up until I go to bed--and I will add some pictures too. Maybe I can get someone in my family to snap a picture of me scrubbing the bathtub...in my dress and apron--wouldn't that be fun.
Anyway, I know that when I go to blogs and read a post about someone making bread, scrubbing this or that, making a craft with their kids, going to the library, it totally motivates me in those areas. Also, I am hoping I can get some of you to play along with me---I will put a Mister Linky at the bottom of my Monday Post and if you write up a post that week about your day, you can add a link so we can all get encouragement, motivation or help in that area that we aren't so sure of. Reading what other people do, awlays gives me tips and hints on how to run my home more smoothly---so I am going to write up my post on Monday, and I will probably have follow up posts on other things---I am going to make some dinner rolls either today or tomorrow, so I will try and take pictures of that too.
So, you don't have to say anything, but if you are so inclined and decide to play and write a post of *A Day in the Life of You*--please let me know and post a link to my Mister Linky next week starting Monday, okay?
I also want to share a post with you all that gave me goosebumps. It was one of those posts that you read and walk away a better person for reading it. I am sure you all are familiar with Mrs.B and her Beautiful Blog Cherish the Home---She wrote an absolute wonderful post about being a stay at home wife---and it really gets you thinking and wanting to do better, so please grab a cup of coffee or tea and enjoy this post --->Cherish The Home: My Stay At Home Wife Story
Ooohhhh... I think I'll want to play. Actually, I sort of did one yesterday, but didn't detail everything that I did, just a few snippets.
I wanted to participate in your shiny sinks Linky, but didn't get around to actually shining my sink for a week -- it was wiped down daily, but not shined.
I would love to participate in this. Looking forward to it.
Also, that pink kitchen is just darling. Ohhh, I'd really be in my element there!
Thanks for the link to my post Julieann, and for the kind words you said. I'm so glad that it blessed you and I hope it does others as well. (o:
I love reading your posts about being a wife and mother. Your enthusiasm is inspiring.
Hmm, I was born in the fifties. I wonder if that's why my favorite color is pink! Maybe, I absorbed my pink passion when I was a baby.
Those wrap around counters with the lower surface where kids could eat used to be so popular before kitchen islands came into style. I remember that lots of houses had them way up into the early 80's.
My DH had two brothers and a sister. His parents had a long counter like that, around which the whole family could sit for breakfast or a casual lunch. It wasn't pink, though.
I am excited.
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