...................well it is important to me...LOL.
NO SCHOOL ALL WEEK!!!!!!! (they are off for ThanksGiving)
I am thrilled.
My blogging schedule will be different this week--I may be able to post more--yippee... :o).
Hi Lisa in Texas...I wish I had an exciting recipe for green bean casserole-
I use cut green beans in the can
Cream of Mushroom soup
and French's Onions
I mix the soup and the beans together, bake in a casserole dish, in the oven for about 30 minutes and then I sprinkle the fried onions over the top---depending on the amount of people is how I determine how many cans to open.
A few of my dear readers mentioned the word *Tuckered* I used---My husband is from the South, but do you know I have never heard him use that word? Also, as for me when I was in Georgia--I never heard it either---MY son, I have no idea where he picked it up--Baby Kevin was sleepy one day and my son just blurted out, Mom Kevin is *TUCKERED*---oh, how I giggled...LOL.

NO SCHOOL ALL WEEK!!!!!!! (they are off for ThanksGiving)
I am thrilled.
My blogging schedule will be different this week--I may be able to post more--yippee... :o).
Hi Lisa in Texas...I wish I had an exciting recipe for green bean casserole-
I use cut green beans in the can
Cream of Mushroom soup
and French's Onions
I mix the soup and the beans together, bake in a casserole dish, in the oven for about 30 minutes and then I sprinkle the fried onions over the top---depending on the amount of people is how I determine how many cans to open.
A few of my dear readers mentioned the word *Tuckered* I used---My husband is from the South, but do you know I have never heard him use that word? Also, as for me when I was in Georgia--I never heard it either---MY son, I have no idea where he picked it up--Baby Kevin was sleepy one day and my son just blurted out, Mom Kevin is *TUCKERED*---oh, how I giggled...LOL.

ThanksGiving Prayer
Heavenly Father, on Thanksgiving Day We bow our hearts to You and pray. We give You thanks for all You've done Especially for the gift of Jesus, Your Son. For beauty in nature, Your glory we see For joy and health, friends and family, For daily provision, Your mercy and care These are the blessings You graciously share. So today we offer this response of praise With a promise to follow You all of our days.
--Mary Fairchild
I had to giggle over "tuckered" - I'm from SC originally, and it's been a part of my lifelong vocabulary. As in "he's plumb tuckered out." You know. That baby's "tard." ;)
I hope you and the family have a great week and sleep late!
Julieann, just wanted to wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. The music almost made me say "merry christmas." lol
connie from Texas
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