Last weeks' posts I did not go into too much detail about some of the things that had happened. Here is something that went on Wednesday. Thursday was Alexis's ThanksGiving day party at School--and on Wednesday every child was assigned to bring in a veggie to make a stew--we were to bring in Celery and Garlic---when I was at the store I got them both--CHECK! Okay I am room mom with another mother--she called Wednesday morning to let me know her daughter was ill and that she was wondering if I could swing by her house before school and pick up her Crockpot for the party--I told her, I would just bring mine. Problem solved--or so I thought.
I was walking to my daughter's class pushing the baby in his stroller with one hand and holding on to the crockpot which was in my other hand--it was in a bag--well the stroller started to veer so I went to use my other hand and that is when it happened--the bag slipped and the crockpot CRASHED on to the pavement--it was a loud shatter--I didn't even have to look--my crockpot was broke. I ended up going to the other mother's home and picking up her crockpot---and as I went back to the school the lady parked next to me locked her baby in the car--oh my, that was a frantic situation, thank goodness for our wonderful fire department, they were there in minutes to unlock the car and get the baby out--it was a hot day too----
So, I call my Grandma and tell her all about my day--
I went to her house on Friday and look at what she got me---This BEAUTIFUL SLOW COOKER!!!! She said she bought it for me just *because*
I was walking to my daughter's class pushing the baby in his stroller with one hand and holding on to the crockpot which was in my other hand--it was in a bag--well the stroller started to veer so I went to use my other hand and that is when it happened--the bag slipped and the crockpot CRASHED on to the pavement--it was a loud shatter--I didn't even have to look--my crockpot was broke. I ended up going to the other mother's home and picking up her crockpot---and as I went back to the school the lady parked next to me locked her baby in the car--oh my, that was a frantic situation, thank goodness for our wonderful fire department, they were there in minutes to unlock the car and get the baby out--it was a hot day too----
So, I call my Grandma and tell her all about my day--
I went to her house on Friday and look at what she got me---This BEAUTIFUL SLOW COOKER!!!! She said she bought it for me just *because*

Isn't it just glorious!

Look at the little tags to slide in to tell everyone what the dish is--neat-o, huh? I was nursing the baby early one morning and caught the infomercial for this crockpot, and just loved it--my Grandmother had no idea I had my eye on this appliance..LOL. It came with a bunch of recipes too that I am planning on trying--of course, I will blog about the recipes with pictures .

....and then-----I just found out she subscribes to *TASTE of Home* She was getting rid of some of the magazines when I told her I wanted them---LOOKY at what I got---YAY!!!!

I can not wait to try out some of these yummy recipes--and can you see some of the darling cookies? I will share the recipes and pictures when I make them:)
Your loving grandma is just what a grandma should be! Hope you will give her a hug for me. My grandmas were good friends, lived to be 99 and 95 and died within a few months of each other. Especially at holidays, I miss them even more.
Enjoy your crockpot and cook lots of goodies from your magazines.
What a sweet goody. Yah for you!
You lucky girl! I love that big nice crockpot! How sweet of your grandmother to give it to you! Also, wow, to get all of the Taste of Home mags, how neat is that!
Have a blessed Thanksgiving! :0) Sharon
What a sweet grandma. Love that new slow cooker.
I love Taste of Home magazines.
What a sweet grandma you have! And enjoy all those magazines ... fun!
How wonderful, Julieann, what a sweet grandma you have! Have fun with your new crockpot and magazines!
hi. you're so lucky. lucky. lucky
Julieann, love the crockpot, especially with those tags. I subscribe to Taste of Home--love it, love it, love it!! Wonderful recipes!! Have a great Thanksgiving!!
Awww what a great grandmother! I LOVE Taste of Home but I never really make the recipes for some reason. They sure are fun to look through though. LOL
Ooh!! NICE new crockpot!! I do hate that your other one is now completely broken, but what a blessing to have a nice new one!!
And the magazines! I LOVE Taste of Home!!
Mrs. U
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