Looky what I found at the store---> Gingerbread and Eggnog creamer. I put the gingerbread in my coffee this morning--oooh, it is really good.

I just LOVE EGGNOG!!! so this should make for an interesting coffee.

Fly Lady sure knows what she is talking about when she says to shine your sink. Have you noticed that when you shine your sink, everything else just seems to fall in place. If my kitchen is a mess, then it just leads to a un-organized day, kwim? When I house clean I sometimes just do 5 minutes at a time---It amazes me what I can get done in 5 minutes---I can make my bed and pick up a few things and wipe things down in a matter of minutes. Then I play with baby, then another 5 minutes, then play with baby..and so on...not all the time--sometimes, when he sleeps for a good two hours I can get a lot done--like a bathroom scrubbed, laundry put away, etc. How I enjoy being a wife and mother:)

I did my grocery shopping yesterday, and would you believe it, I forgot garbage bags? I even had a list and I still forgot them, so this morning, I had to stop back at the store and get garbage bags.(and a few other things too;)
Tonight for dinner we will have a 7-bone roast. Baby is up--be back soon xoxox
I love the Fly LAdy and all of her routines. My house stays so much cleaner is I am being a Fly Baby as she calls them some times.
Happy Thursday to you too! That eggnog creamer sounds so good!
Have a great day!
Happy Thursday to you too.
I absolutely love the coffee flavorings. MMNN!
Seems like I am always forgetting something on my list. I don't know why.
Happy Thursday to you too.
I absolutely love the coffee flavorings. MMNN!
Seems like I am always forgetting something on my list. I don't know why.
I love both of those creamers. I tried them last Christmas. I used to be a total creamer adict, but now I have weaned down to once every couple of days. When I use it, it is so special and fun.
I like to have a shiny sink too! The thing I am horrible at is my windows! I like my kitchen window clean, but the rest of them are horrible. Oh well!
Hugs! Sharon
Gingerbread creamer?? OH MY!!! I will HAVE to put that on my grocery list for next week!!!!
I LOVE my sink being clean and shiny, too! It has turned into a pet peeve for me to have anything just sitting in the sink. I love it being clean and clear of dishes!! :)
Mrs. U
Yay! The joys of the approaching holiday season....EGGNOG!! Love it!
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