Kelli is hosting her Friday
Show and Tell--and I remembered to do it on time--yay!!! You know how you talk about things you like and never realize how much someone is really paying attention? Well, a year or so ago my Dear husband comes home with this: Little House, the FIRST season!!! The first season is my absolute favorite--I could watch every episode over and over. So this is my show and tell---my Little House on the Prairie DVD set of the first season--->

I want to be like *Ma* when I grow up:)

There are 6 discs with a different picture on them

They sure don't make shows like Little House anymore.

Also, last week they showed the pilot movie on Hallmark--and I was lucky enough to record it--woohoo!! I just adore the episodes when they focus on their family life--and not the silly episodes of when Albert falls asleep and dreams of indians. What was your favorite episode? Thank you for looking at my show and tell:)
Oh how I also love Little House! How sweet of your husband to buy it for you. They were showing re-runs here a while back and my 10yo loved it. Maybe I should buy the set too.
Love Little House on the Praire! Would hate to miss a single episode. Too fun!
I was just telling Phillip that we need to start collecting this wonderful series on DVD! Grace is reading through the books and then I can't wait to watch them with her.
My favorite episode is when Nellie gets engaged. I remember her being so mean to that boy but they end up falling in love!
Wonderful show and tell, Julieann!!
Hello, Julieann! I saw and taped the pilot, too. Yes, the first season is my favorite. My favorite episode is the girls' first day of school. I always cry when Laura "reads" her essay about Ma and Ma making those dresses is just so like Ma. I want to be like Ma when I grow up, too! My second favorite episode is a Christmas episode when Pa makes Laura a saddle but Laura sells Bunny to buy a stove for Ma. Oh, I just love the teary-eyed episodes. And I agree, the Albert/Indian ones aren't that interesting for me.
I love Little House on the Prarie. When I was younger, me and my friend used to "play" like we were Laura and Mary! Or sometimes we would be Laura and Nellie. I loved being Nellie! LOL
Nice wholesome entertainment.
Yes, this is one of my faves as well.
Come pay me a visit - you've been tagged!
Good ole Michael Landon, Little Joe, I loved the Little House on the Prairie books and the tv series!
I remember crying each week when I watched these during primetime on T.V. They always grabbed my heart! Thanks for sharing.
I LOVE Little House!! And you know what? Mr. U loves it even more than I do!! LOL!! I'm serious!!!
A favorite episode? As in ONE?? Oh dear!! I can't pick just one!!! If I had to choose, though, it would probably be the same one Jenny mentioned- the one where Laura "writes" the story about Ma (even though she doesn't write the exact words she shares). I cry and cry everytime I watch that! I want to be just like Ma!! She's soo wonderful!!
And I LOVE Michael Landon!! Every time he cried, I cried, too!!!
Thank you for sharing this! What fun! To make it even MORE fun, everyone is invited to my house for homemade popcorn and Julieann is bringing baby Kevin and the Little House DVDs!! It's a sleepover!!!!!
Mrs. U
Thanks so much for signing my Guest Book!
I just wrote you a long coment and then I guess I messed up on the letter recognition because I clicked away before it was saved.
I loved the Little House series. I loved the books too. We read the books, all of them, to the kids in first, second and third grade at the school that I taught at. It was so fun.
I think I would have a hard time coming up with a favorite episode. Maybe i need to watch them again.
My sister and I loved this show! It was our all time favorite when it was actually on television as a series. We couldn't wait for the next week's show. And, oh the agony of waiting for the next season! :o)
I've watched it some on the cable re-runs. We really should invest in those DVDs. Hmmm ~ looks like a good idea for birthday and Christmas presents! :o)
I love Little house too Jules! I was lucky enough to recieve the first 3 seasons on disc from my sister for Christmas 2 years ago. I can watch them over and over again as well....DH likes to watch them too and did when he was a kid and remembers the episodes! My favorite has to be Walnut Grove Day when Pa falls out of the tree getting the kite and breaks his ribs and in the end, the "wee" ones help him stack grain to keep his promise to the owner of the feed mill and not lose the team. The entire town pitched in to help and the Ingalls were new to the area and were in was great. I love so many of them though! Great show and tell!!! Although, I still love your baby Kevin pictures too! lol Have a great weekend!
Miss Bonnie and I were talking about the show the other day! It is such a pleasure to watch a tv show with your child and not have to worry about any "embarrassing" parts showing up. I LOVED all the early shows but my very favorite was the show when Laura got her first school teaching job and Almanzo realized that he was in love with her! Sooooo sweet;o)
I used to watch Little House on the Prairie all the time.
I loved that show.
I have the whole Little House set of books.
Thanks for visiting my site. Please feel free to come back anytime.
What a nice gift from your husband. I have only seen a few episodes here and there. My mom always talks about her favorite episodes though. Have you heard of the love comes softly series by Janette Oke? They remind of Little House on the Prairie!
Ma is my role model, too!! She is so feminine, but strong at the same time, too. In the later episodes they tried to make her into a bit of a feminist, which was kind of silly, so I like the first seasons the best too. Remember the one where all the ladies live at the Oleson's hotel and refuse to go home till their husbands agree to some crazy thing, and she leaves Charles to struggle at home with baby Grace crying all the time? I think that was some wierd 1970's influence on the show, but the first seasons are WONDERFUL!!!!
Anyways, this was a great show and tell, and you do have a very thoughtful husband!! :-)
Oh I so love Little House. I don't have the set yet, it is on my Christmas list. And you are right, they don't make shows like this one anymore. BUT I do hear that his son, Michael Landon Jr. is on his way to making several family movies.
This next school year, me and the girls' are doing "The Prairie Primer" curriculum.
Yes, I like Little House books and wholesome and moral...Thanks for visiting with me and commenting on the faux brick floors, please come again..Betty
I love Little House also--especially the early years. I was SO disappointed when they blew the set up at the end of the series. It was obvious they weren't planning any reunion shows! They don't make TV shows like that any more--a shame1
I love the Little House show! one of the few we were allowed to watch growing up!
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