This is my show and tell for today. Yes, I know, it is my baby again--BUT---he is in his new outfit that Kelli sent him---I tried to get a good picture of the
handstitch--also, the booty's will have to be another day, they are just a tad too big:) I put him in his new outfit today, and we had a well baby checkup---he is now 11 pounds(He was 7.14)--
woohoo----my doctor was very pleased, especially since he is a breastfed baby---nursing on demand does it--it helps your milk come in and it keeps your baby satisfied---okay I will save my breastfeeding post for another time----

Those little pants are
soo cute---I had to get a closeup of his little feet.

Thank you for looking at my show and tell:)
I love baby feet!!!! ;)
Us moms understand that we can NEVER share enough pictures of our little ones! And, your little guy is just adorable!!! Congratulations!
AWESOME. God is so amazing, how He can knit together a perfect little one like that.
He is growing so fast. Such a doll. The outfit is adorable on him. Handmade gifts mean the most!
What a little sweetheart. Thanks for sharing. I think that baby pictures are appropriate at any time!!
Oh goodie, more baby pictures!! I can't get enough of his chubby little cheeks and I love his hair! My niece has red hair that sticks up like that...so cute! It sounds like little Kevin had a great appointment, keep up the great work, Mom! :0)
Have a wonderful weekend!
OH! There could never be a better Show and Tell than a sweet baby! Thank you for sharing his sweetness!
Total innocense.
He is absolutely adorable! How I miss those baby days.
HOW precious!!!!!
Oh how precious. Your little boy is a too adorable. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend!
Awwwww. Babies are so wonderful! What a blessing.
He looks sooo snuggly and CUTE!!!! The outfit is precious, too, but ANY outfit you put on him will be adorable!!!!!
Mrs. U
What a doll he is! You must be so proud!
such sweet pictures... he looks so content... like you say... feeding on demand... not only is it good for keeping a good milk supply... I think it produces a content baby! I'm always SO happy to see mom's breastfeeding... it's so good for mom in several ways and the babe too! I so miss the baby days... my youngest is 9 and I have 4 kids... so no more for me :o( I held and carried mine all the time they were awake...sometimes even when they slept.. and got flack from my mil over it... but I told her that they are tiny for such a short time and that I wanted to savour every moment of it and I'm SO glad that I did...
I posted a recipe that you might like.. pop over and have a look. We LOVE it...your family might too if they like the ingredients in it.
I always love seeing pictures of little Kevin!! The baby onesie is so pretty, how sweet of Kelli to share her talents with you!! :-)
Your little guy just gets more beautiful by the DAY! Don't you DARE apologize for posting lots of pictures of em-I for one can't get ENOUGH of the cutie pie!
Kelli sure is a sweetheart and blesses so many people with her kindness. I am sure you were so happy to receive such a thoughtful gift in the mail!
I wanted to thank you for the *very* sweet comment you left on my blog and I am honored that you are posting my on your sidebar!
I don't know WHY but I have tried several times to get you and your blog in my new bloglines account and it just won't work! SO-I have to remember to come which is a PAIN since my memory isn't worth two cents!
How precious!
He reminds me of pictures of my baby boy. It's hard to beleive that he turned 24 years old last week! Enjoy every moment!!
Oh, he's adorable!! I love how his cute little hair stands up on top of his head ~ sweet!! He looks precious in his little outfit; Kelli did such a beautiful job on that!
and, YES, I am a *big* believer in nursing on demand!! The only exception I would make to that is that one might need to feed *more* often (by waking baby up) if baby is a lazy/lethargic nurser (sometimes the case in those early months). But *never* less often than baby demands!! Scoot over girl, I'll get on that soapbox with ya'! *hee*hee* :o)
awww...he is precious. I just put up a baby feet post on my blog, too. Popular topic! hehe
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