Happy Thursday. I have lots to do today. I will have camera in hand taking pictures...LOL. After my errands are all done, I will post all about my day. Alexis has requested a vanilla birthday cake--so that will be made some time today. Also, yes, we are doing something really *big* for Alexis's birthday--I will tell you all about it after the fact with pictures. As for the Grocery strike, it happened about 3 years ago before--the people that are Union stand outside the store with signs asking you to shop somewhere else---and yes all the big chains strike together except Stater Brothers--and I don't like that store. I shop at the stores with the best prices. I tell the strikers that unless they will pay for my groceries, I have to go where I can get the most for my dollar. I tell them I am sorry but I want them to explain to me, how it benefits me to go somewhere more expensive???? Anyway, that is what a strike is like--the stores remain open, just a bunch of people standing out front of every store with signs. They have not done it yet, but every day on the news they say it is going to happen. I will be back soon, you all have a wonderful summer day!!!! xoxox
Hi Julieann! Have fun getting ready for Alexis's brithday! I hope the strike doesn't happen!
One chain of stores went on strike here last year, and wouldn't you know it was the store with the cheapest prices?! I said the same thing you do - if you pay for my groceries at the higher priced store, I will gladly go elsewhere. What are they thinking???
Happy Birthday to your little girl!!!
Julieann -
I love your picture posts and can't wait to see how your cake turns out. Have fun!!!
Oh wow. So interesting about the strike! I know I've read about things like that happening, but down South, I guess we don't have unions???????? (Yes, I am clueless about that!!)
This DOES remind me of "North and South", though (a movie I recently watched). They were striking. Next time I watch the movie, I'm going to have a hard time not thinking "Julieann's grocery store!! Julieann's grocery store!!!!" :)
Mrs. U
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