- Continue to keep up on laundry
- Sweep the stairs again
- Sweep/mop Kitchen floor
- clean all toilets really good---I have slacked on my toilets this week
- dust master bedroom
- vacuum
- clean out refrigerator
- finish grocery list
- drop off check for Alexis's swimming lessons
- sign Alexis up for ballet this summer
- Library---must be done today!!
- make dinner rolls
These are some things I really want to get done this week.
I may add any new things that pop up--but basically I have to get my house up and going again, so I don't fall far behind.
I have to adjust my routines that I have in my home notebook a little---I can not go through my day with out a shower and getting dressed and smelling pretty--kind of like FLY lady---if I don't do it, I just don't get anything done, and I swore that when I got married, my husband would never see me in dirty sweat pants and a t-shirt when he came from work
So I am thinking of getting up just a tad bit earlier, so that I can shower, while baby is sleeping.
Also, about my baked potato post--Heather made a great post on how she makes her potatoes, with pictures too---->Click here--Check it out--they look great!! Thank you Heather:)
Also, it is HOT!!!! It is supposed to cool off sometime this week---there are fires in a few places here in California, one is in Camp Pendelton
(((Gentle Hugs))) To all my friends, try and stay cool today, and remember keep a smile on your beautiful faces--God is good!!! xoxoxoxox
Thank you for the link. You're are doing fantastic for just having had a baby. Careful not to overdo it. I hope I'm nearly as energetic in August.
You're a great example to us all! (o:
busy girl! It's hot here too.. Just over 80'F.... pretty warm for this time of year--especially since it's been hanging around the 50s for the last little while... Glad to hear you're managing.
(the zoo)
Julieann, you are SOOO encouraging!!! I mean, you just gave birth and you are already up and busy tending to your home!!
I am curious... what time do you get up? Do you eat super healthy (you must with all your energy!!!!)?
Mrs. U
Hi Julieann! You are an inspiration! I have some things on my list that I need to get done tomorrow, cleaning out the fridge is one of them! LOL
Have a wonderful day!
Today where I live it is very pleasant. Boy, I hate to hear about the fires. It makes it very hard for some to breath, I bet. I hope you have a good week. connie from Texas
Getting that shower in when you're a nursing momma can some days be a challenge. Housework can be delayed ~ a hungry baby can't, and uh - won't be put off - lol! It sounds like you are enjoying life to the fullest. Congrats on little Kevin's weight gain!! Stay cool! :o)
I'm so glad to hear you are all doing so well. I am so impressed by how much you accomplish each day!!
I wish you a very happy and blessed Mother's Day, Julieann!! Give little Kevin a hug for me!! :-)
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