Little Kevin---that is what my husband calls him, I call him peanut and beautiful. He was born at exactly 1:00 p.m. on Thursday---I had a spinal which I was not too thrilled about--I would have much rather had an epidural----I know some people can't tell the difference, but I sure did..(LOL). They had a student put my IV in my hand--I think I was her first---my hand is a bit sore still. Kevin is doing my shopping right now with Alexis, we made the list and off they went---He so enjoys food shopping, so I am curious as to what extras he will get--My husband is such a sweet blessing---he is taking the children back and forth to school while working in between all that--he has his laptop and cell phone----so he is working even though he is home. He also made dinner last dinner for us and cleaned the kitchen so I could rest. Everyday, I wake up, I can not wait to start to my day--and when my little one cries in the middle of the night, I can not wait to nurse him and hold him and smell him---I love changing him, and dressing him, and kissing him--and holding his tiny little hands---I thank God everyday-God is SOOOO GOOD!!!!! Okay, I will be back shortly--Hugs to everyone xoxoxo
Tuesday dinner---> I took pork strips out--so that is the main part--and I know Kevin is going to buy a bunch of fresh fruits and veggies--so I will be back to continue my menu.
Also, for a newborn, I don't use baby wipes, I use warm washcloths to clean his little bottom--no chemicals on his tender skin---okay, I will be back--and hopefully, I can come back tonight and catch up on all my beloved blogs too xoxox

Oh, Julieann, he is so sweet and tiny and perfect!! (I think I said that in another comment, but it's just so true!!) I know just how you feel, it was 6 years since my last baby and I love every little detail of taking care of mine too. It's like it's all brand new again!! I know you are enjoying these newborn days, they go so fast. My baby was almost exactly the same size as yours at birth (7-12) and he is now 12.5 pounds at 2 months old. And doesn't seem like a newborn anymore!!
He is just beautiful! It is truly amazing being a mother, isn't it? It is also amazing that God has blessed you three times! I am very happy for you and your family. I know you will be a wonderful mom!
Oh, he is so sweet and precious! Just look at those cheeks! It sounds like your husband and family are doing a wonderful job taking care of the new mommy!!
Julieann, he is just absolutely beautiful! Savor the moments! :o)
wow... you sound like you're having sooo much fun! I love being a Mom. I especially loved having babies to cuddle and nurse and change and smell and .... ya you get it! It didn't bother me at all when they woke up in the night to feed... I just enjoyed them soo much... Being a Mommy is what I have wanted since I was about 4 or 5 years old... I know it sounds crazy but I think you may just understand... (o:
I didn't use baby wipes on my newborns either... they cleaned up so much nicer with a warm cloth and didn't get the chemical wipes on their soft little and once in awhile sore, bottoms. The pics are great - he looks like a real little cutie! Have fun---like you already know it races by!
ohhh, I can see why you just don't want to put him down! Give your little man a big hug all the way from PA for me! My baby will be 5 months next week already - I can't believe how the time flies!
Keep taking care of yourself!
Hi Julieann!!! He is SOOOOO beautiful!!! You "sound" like you are feeling good, is that true???
Your husband is a blessing, indeed!!!
God is sooo sweet to give us children, isn't He? :)
Mrs. U
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