Happy Wednesday--Alexis and I are going to go to the library after I pick her up from school--I will share the books we pick out. Not too much going on here--I am just puttering around the house, cleaning this and that---reading the Internet. I am counting down the days---I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow--I always enjoy those, because I get to hear the heart beat:) It is a nice day here in San Clemente--Dinner is going to be a pork creation--with probably some baked beans--my kids love those beans----anyway, this is just a short post--and I posted some more pictures of my daughter from this weekend. Have a lovely Wednesday friends...
xoxoxox(8 days left)

Oh my dear ((friend)) ~ I noticed you're counting down in red now. :o) At this point the days seem to rush by one minute and drag the next! I'm thinking of you, and praying for you as you enter your final days of preparation! Praying for your surgeons and anesthesiologist, too!
Out of six deliveries, I'm a four time c-section-er myself (is that a word? lol, I think not.), so I relate to the countdown! :o) Blessings!
Hi Julieann! I didn't realize Alexis had such long hair, how pretty! I'll have to show Grace and Emily because they are working hard at growing theirs out...LOL
I would love to hear about the books you get at the library and I'll be praying for you too!
Wow Alexis has beautiful REALLY long hair! Only a week to go!! hurray!!
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