Good Afternoon--I hope everyone who stops by is having a wonderful Tuesday. I had a checkup this morning and all is fine--my weight is perfect he said---I am so happy to hear this. My blood pressure is fine. I heard my baby's heart beat--148. I am almost 33 weeks--I am almost there--ohh, I am so excited. It was a little uncomfortable to sleep last night, I could not find a comfortable position for some reason--oh well, if that is the worst of my problems, I think I am okay:) He also said that he doesn't care how many people I want in the delivery room, as long as the anesthesiologist is okay with it--my doctor said, sometimes he gets an anesthesiologists that is picky about that--so we shall see---my husband will be in the room no matter what--but I was hoping my MIL could be in there in too to see her grand baby born.
It is a warm day here in California. I ended up grilling pork chops last night, so tonight will be a chicken dish. I am thinking Baked chicken and baked potatoes.
I just had a bowl of raisin bran with a banana for lunch ....(LOL) I just love raisin bran. On the back of the box there is a recipe for bran muffins, that I think I am going to try.
Well, I have been messing around all morning--I need to get busy and get some chores done. If I have not stopped by your blog yet today--I will be by before the day is out.
Congratulations to Kitty on the birth of her baby boy--YAY!!!!!
Happy Blogaversary to Mrs. B<----I just adore her blog!!!
You all have a glorious day!!!! xoxox
Hi Julieann! I'm so glad to hear your appointment went well! 33 weeks?!! Very exciting!! Dinner sounds yummy. We had biscuits and scrambled eggs. Can you say lazy mommy?!! Haha!
Talk to you soon!
Kelli--You and Lazy just do not go together. I love scrambled eggs--and biscuits too. I would so make that for dinner, but my husband would not be too happy with it(lol)--maybe if there was a nice steak to go with it he would;)
Awww--You're such a sweetie Julieann, thank you! (o:
Blessings and Hugs!
Thank you, Julieann!!! :-) You're next, I am soooo excited for you. The coming weeks will just fly by and your new little bundle will be here before you know it!!! :-)
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