It is my son's 15th birthday--I can not believe it:) I was almost 2 weeks overdue, I was in labor for 36 hours----after all that I had an emergency C-section--When I awoke I was handed the most sweetest little baby boy--almost 9 pounds and a head full of blond hair. Happy Birthday Tony!!! What a happy day that was--I can still remember it like it was yesterday. Since his birthday is today, we will be celebrating it over the coming weekend--I asked Tony what day and he said he would like it on Sunday. He wants to go to his favorite restaurant and we have a few gifts for him too:) He did not want a big party this year, just family.
When I was at church yesterday, the pastor said something that keeps swirling around in my head--he said that sin is short term pleasure with long term pain--I knew sin was bad, but I never thought of it in such a simple way----he also said that sin is usually something fun because if it wasn't, none of us would be tempted.
I have a full week of things I want to get accomplished--it seems that next month is coming really quick, and I want everything ready and organized before baby gets here---I can not believe I can say, next month (giggle)
I was doing some research on the Internet and found this site called, Heart4Home--and came across this on the site:
A B C's of Being a Help Meet
And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him. Genesis 2:18
Be positive
Do it his way
Encourage him
Fix his breakfast
Give back rubs
Hug often
"I love you" should be said many times daily
Joke around in a playful manner
Know his needs
Listen to him
Manage your home well
Never hold grudges
Open your eyes in the morning and smile
Pray for him
Quit nagging him
Reminisce about good times
Show respect and honor
Trust, and earn his trust
Understand his need for reverence
Vulnerability is a feminine trait; cultivate it
Wink at him!
X is for private times
Yearn to please him
Zealously guard him with your love
Let's do some ABC's With our husband today:) I don't think I have ever winked at him (LOL) Have you?
Tonight's Dinner Is what Tony has requested:
Homemade Buffalo Hot Wings (With Franks sauce only)
Celery and carrots
Noodles with oil and Garlic
It is so weird that you are talking about being a help meet because I am reading a book about it right now. A friend of mine had told me about it. The book is called Created to be a Help Meet by Debi Pearl. I found it at www.nogreaterjoy.org...I have also used some of their child training books also. They have changed the way I believe things. I could go on and on.
Happy Birthday to Tony! :)
I can not believe you have a 15 year old!!! Wow, because you look So young!! Im 32 now but I was married at 20, and had my son at 23. You must have married young too! :)
Have a great day with family!
Happy Birthday Tony!!
Today is my Jake's 14th Birthday too!!
Happy Birthday to your son!!! Your ABC's of being a helpmeet really touched my heart. My eyes are full of tears. I think its a beautiful list...thankyou for sharing this. No matter what our age or location or vocation, love is the foundation of life...and needs to be guarded and nurtured. I think this says it all and so beautifully.
Happy birthday to your son. Being a helpmeet is what we as wives were created to be. So that is where we find our joy.God's blesses us in so many ways, they are uncountable. Connie from Texas
Hi Julieann! I've seen your profile picture, there is no way you have a 15 year old son! :0)
Happy Birthday to Tony! It sounds like he's having a great day, what a yummy dinner!
Only a month away?? You are going to meet your new little boy very soon!
Hi Julieann.
Happy Birthday to your son.
Do you mind sharing how you fix your noodles and garlic? What type of noddles do you use? How much garlic? Butter?
I'm really surprised your son is 15, too. Happy birthday to him. And I love the tummy photo in the previous post. I don't know when this baby is due, but my goodness, you're really out there. Maybe it's just because you look like you're tiny.
Thank you so much for your recent visits to my place. I'm hopelessly behind with catching up but I'm determined! LOL
Happy Late Birthdsy to Tony!! I loved the ABCs of being a helpmeet and I would love to to print them out to keep... I am just getting back on the computer after like 10 days off, and it's been fun catching up with your blog!! :-)
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