I woke up at 6:30 this morning---a little later then normal, or what I would have liked--but the baby decided it was time to play in the middle of the night--He was very active and really liked his foot in my ribcage for some reason. So I woke up with my alarm--I premake my coffee the night before, with those delay settings, so it was all ready when I woke up--I have it set for 5:00--because I like to wake up between 5:00 and 6:00.
I got Tony off to school at 7:40--then Alexis off at 9:15 and then on to my Doctor's. Alexis has weird hours this week due to conferences--so she gets out an hour earlier--YAY:) I set up a play date with another little girl for tomorrow, Alexis is very excited, and this little girl is such a sweet girl too.
I will be room mom tomorrow since I was not able to do it today. I want to get as much class time in as I can for my daughter, before the baby arrives..
After I had posted yesterday, my husband had called me and said his plans changed that he would be home early and in time for dinner, so my children had leftover chicken and my husband had hamburgers with bacon and cheese--and I made a salad too.
Tonight, Kevin may be late, but I am going to make pork chops--easy dinner--and everyone likes them too, and easy to reheat.
I can't believe in less then a month, my baby will be here----I keep forgetting to mention, that I won the auction for the breast pump--I got it for .99 cents, but shipping was 5.50--a breast pump for under 7 dollars made me so happy:) When I got it, everything was still wrapped in plastic, so it was new too. I would like a boppy--so I am using Jenny's advice and keeping my eye out on eBay--I couldn't believe they were selling for new for 5.00 and in the stores they are 34.00, amazing!!!
Alexis's school took spring pictures, here is the picture, and this is her total fake smile..(lol)
My pretty girl:)
Oh, he is keeping you awake at night already!! :-) Why do those little feet always get stuck in the ribs in the middle of the night? Mine decided it was playtime last night from about 3-5am, too!! :-)
Your daughter's picture is pretty!! We are taking turns with playdates this week because it is spring break. Yesterday my son had a buddy come and it was... noisy. And muddy. But fun!! :-)
Have a good day, Julieann!!
YAY you are having your baby on my Lukes birthday! He will be 13 on 4/26!!
Your little girl is pretty - and those fake smiles are just as pretty too lol.
I bet you will be counting down the days! It is hard to wait, isn't it?
How exciting! It won't be long now. (o:
And your daughter's picture is so pretty! (o:
Your daughter is beautiful. The month will be over before you know it. when you get to be my age you will look back and remember the time his feet were in your ribs and be thankful that you have the memory. connie from Texas
Awww...Alexis is just beautiful, Julieann!! I hope she has fun at her playdate tomorrow!
April 26?!! It's going to be here in no time! It sounds like you are all ready for your new little one!
Hello, Julieann! Miss Alexis is gorgeous. Oh, those sweet brown eyes. You are blessed, Julieann, and you know it.
I guess the little one is preparing you for what's to come. At least when he's here, you'll get to snuggle him.
Oh Julieann - just four weeks away! How exciting! Your family must be thrilled, too! Your Alexis is a charmer. Enjoy your day as room mom! :o)
Hi Julieann! Your daughter is lovely...pretend grin or not! ;)
Such a fantastic deal on that breast pump! WOW!
How are you feeling these days?
Your daughter is super cute!
Your daughter is just BEAUTIFUL!!!!!! She looks like an angel!! :)
Mrs. U
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