Friday Dinner:
Grill Night
Catfish<---for me--good brain food for the baby:) Shrimp Baked potatoes with butter and sour cream Corn on the Cob---> The best corn you will ever eat is cooked on the grill--yummy
Salad with all the fixings<---plus, I made ranch dressing. Now I have to give credit to my husband, he did the grilling and he picked out the menu. After dinner I had a phone call that I had to take---after the phone call, I came down to a clean kitchen, my husbnad cleaned it all up<---Bless his heart:) Saturday Dinner:
Fun Dinner
Kevin bought takeout:
Mexican for him
and subway for us--I had a veggie sandwich--->Pregnant women should stay away from lunch/deli meat----(possible lysteria)
Sunday Dinner:
Pork Roast
Roasted Potatoes
Steamed asparagus
Those were my menus that I had not posted.
Friday, I am room mom, and as I was about to go in to Alexis's school--I get a call, Alexis had fallen on her face and hurt her teeth---oh, boy, I flew down to her school, and went straight to our dentist--he x-rayed--to make sure she had not damaged anything-----she chipped half her front tooth off----so on Wednesday he will re-cap it--yes, I said recap it--she chipped it once before-----I know it is only a baby tooth, but she is five and the dentist says she has another good year before she will loose that tooth-----so on Wednesday, she gets a new cap---the total cost is about 400.00---but with our insurance it will only be 50.00 out of pocket, which I think is great.
This morning, I picked up cards for Alexis for Valentines Day--she is busy writing all her classmates names on them. I also bought some new decorations to make the house festive--I just love Holidays.
I also am going to marinade some meat over night, for homemade beef jerky--which I will post about tomorrow, with pictures. I love my dehyderater, I can't even tell you how old it is--over ten years at least. Okay, well, I have things to do---make sure Kevin's clothes are all ready for the new week----You all have a very Blessed and Warm Sunday, it is cold, brrrrr, xoxoxox.
Hi Julieann! Your menus sounds delicious!! I love homemade ranch dressing. :0) I have had the veggie sandwich from subway and it is yummy!
I'm sorry to hear about your daughter's tooth but it's great they can fix it easily and inexpensively!
BTW, have you hear from Jenny? I can't get to her blog anymore.
Talk to you soon!
Your menus sound yummy. My brother in laws soon to be wife gave us a dehyderator. I have never used it yet. I am hoping to use it soon though. Glad to hear that they can fix your daughters tooth.
When I was expecting baby#2 I ate a veggie subway EVERY DAY as there was a location a blocks walk from my office. Believe it or not, at age 8, she loves a veggie sammy from subway!
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