Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, June 17, 2019

*Menu Plan Monday*

                                                                         Weekly Menu Plan:

In No particular order and it can change at any time--this is just a base!

*(All dinners are served with a fresh green salad and steamed veggies of some sort---I also like to include a starch and a dinner roll of some kind---of course with the exception of certain meals like tacos)

Since Father's Day was Sunday and was hosted by me, I have a lot of left with that said, Monday's dinner was a glorious night of leftovers:

Leftover night
Ham and roasted Chicken
On the chicken I put the "Everything But the Bagel" spices on it.  You can get it at TJ's or Costco
Mashed potatoes and gravy
Beans and greens :)
A fresh green Salad

Big Salad made

Ham was served Father's Day and will be used for leftovers and a casserole and I will use the bone for my next batch of beans.

Potato Salad was made this week.....

Mashed potatoes with mushroom gravy
fresh steamed broccoli
Homemade dinner rolls

Spaghetti Bake
Garlic cheese biscuits

Pork Chops
Mixed Veggies
Dinner rolls

Baked potatoes
Corn on the cobb

One night is family fun night and someone gets to pick where we go :)

Tacos or Nachos
Mexican night

Dinner Roll Recipe

Potato Salad Recipe

Pasta Bake Recipe is courtesy of Paula Deen's....The recipe is fantastic.
My husband says. anything that has cheddar cheese on it, has to be good...LOL

Give my channel a needs some love...LOL

Have a wonderful Day/evening!!

I hope this Menu Plan gave you some ideas and maybe make you think of old favorites.

I will be making "The Very Best Banana Bread" tomorrow morning.

I will definitely share how that comes the mean time, here is the link to the does not disappoint!!

Banana Bread Recipe

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